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The Design Of Visual Transmission Of Music Based On Chinese Classical Music

Posted on:2015-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431956047Subject:Industrial design engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Traditional Chinese music is one of the most ancient music lineages in the world.According to the record of Chinese historical data, and the evidence provided byunearthed archaeological artifacts and the existing theoretical system, the history ofancient Chinese temperament can be dated back for at least more than3000years. Thetone system of traditional Chinese music, together with European tone system andPersian-Arabic tone system form the three major tone systems in the world, and it is acoherent system with its own characteristics in its study of temperament, instrumentalmusic, and aesthetics, etc. Traditional Chinese music is the fruit of the wisdom ofChinese people, and is also a major component of Chinese culture.This page is based on traditional Chinese music, to research the task of the design ofvisual transmission of music, and it is significant in two aspects concerning thetransmission of music: on the one hand the transmission efficiency of music can beincreased through visual expressions; on the other the public’s level of appreciationand perception of music can be upgraded if music adopts the form of designed artisticexpression.Music and visual art are two forms of artistic forms respectively based on humanbeing’s auditory sense and visual sense. Although they are based on two kinds oftotally different sensual foundations, there is some kind of synaesthetic relationshipbetween music and visual art on physical, biological and mental levels.The process of visual transmission and design of Western music, from classical musicto modern music, has always been rather integrated. There have emerged a lot ofclassic designs of music posters and covers of records and CDs. Modern Westernmusic is especially highly developed in its visual transmission since the developmentof different genres in modern music has always intimately interacted with that of thedesign styles, displaying a high degree of synchronization. While in the meantime, thedevelopment of Chinese music has been rather slow and uneventful, and because ofcultural and historical reasons, the forms of visual transmissions are relativelyunder-developed, since visual design gradually made its appearance after itsintroduction as late as20th century. Therefore, traditional Chinese music has arelative deficiency in its visual design, and the visual design of traditional Chinesemusic is now a project worthwhile of our research and exploration. At the beginning of this page, the issue that In today’s highly informationized society,the forms of musical transmission have grown more and more diversified is presented.Traditional forms such as records, CDs and video cassettes have been g raduallyreplaced by more digitalized forms. The way I applied is using the technology of CoolEdit, AffterEffect and the Trap code Plugins to illustrate music. I have to admit thatbecause of the limitations of personal abilities and scopes of knowledge, it isimpossible to actually solve such a complex and huge design problem, but this paperhopes that through sharing the result of the discussion of this problem, more and morepeople can pay their attention to and participate in the task of the visual des ign oftraditional Chinese music.
Keywords/Search Tags:Visual Transmission of Music, Traditional Chinese music, MotionGraphic
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