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Fengxue Temple History Research

Posted on:2015-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431497343Subject:Religious Studies
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fengxue Temple with a long history, after several ups and downs, with White Horse Temple, ShaolinTemple, Central Plains with Kaifeng Xiangguo Temple, have renowned as four famous temples in history.Fengxue Temple has many steles, chronicles and inscriptions that recorded the rise and fall of the FengxueTemple. Especially in the Ming Dynasty, which is the most prosperous period of the Fengxue Temple, itowned more than400rooms and more than a thousand monks. Since that monastery has experienced therise and fall times in its historical development, analyzing the reasons of its ups and downs will assist thestudy of Buddhism development history and relevant studies in Fengxue Temple region, in Henan Provinceand even in nationwide. Having added renovation in Fengxue Temple architecture, every Dynasty mademore and more diversity into the temple building forms, which is one of the unique kind of combine of theaxis of symmetry and freestyle garden layout for monasteries design in northern China. Fengxue Templebuilding with great historical features and beautifully construction that from the Tang Dynasty to the QingDynasty are relatively complete preserved have high research value. Fengxue Temple is a treasure trove ofancient art, includes not only the building and ancient architecture, but also many unique style of stonecarving, wood carvings, statues, paintings, calligraphy and other works of art. Due to the location of theFengxue Temple, these ancient buildings and relics are preserved well, whether from the ornamental valueor historical value, the value of arts or architectural value terms, Fengxue Temple occupies a very importantposition, contributing a lot to the study of temple architecture.Fengxue Temple as a Buddhist shrine, isTiantai in Wei and Sui dynasties, and is the Tendai and Rinzai from Tang Dynasty to Later Tangsimultaneously. From Master YanZhao of Later Tang until after the liberation period, Fengxue Templehas been Rinzai Zen, it was important heritage base, which emerged many famous monks to this Dharma.First of all, Tendai Buddhist monk Jung seven ancestors came to the wind cave temple, which wasinherited " Hengyang Samadhi " thought widely handed down, and later extended four ancestral marshRinzai Zen, Zen concept Master Wuzu Shennian, thirty second successive World Fasi line hi Jackson towind cave temple, the Rinzai Zen commonly used " stick","drink", and not intended to thinking, that wasthe moment of Rinzai family tradition spread. Research and wind cave temple monks sectarian ideological heritage of Buddhist sects in the development of our heritage and Buddhist thought, have a lot of help andreference value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fengxue Temple, Yanzhao Jackson, Shennian Jackson, Rinzai
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