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Height, Length, Density, Difficulty

Posted on:2015-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431496647Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mo Yan is one of the most powerful China contemporary writers and a writerwho has a certain literary ideas and aesthetic pursuit. In this paper, combining MoYan’s literary creation ideas and specific creative practice, the author tries toachieve a holistic view and discussion which focuses on the issues of Mo Yan’snovels such as height, length, density, and difficulty.The issue of height of Mo Yan’s novel will be discussed in the first chapter byintegrating his life experience, literary standpoint and creative practice. Firstly, MoYan’s literary standpoint from the perspective of himself will be discussed aroundhis “writing for living needs” and “writing for skill experiment” as the core concept.Secondly, Mo Yan’s literary position from the folk perspective will be interpretedaccord to his core concept such as “writing as common people” and “writing lowprofile close to the folk”. Finally, Mo Yan’s literary standpoint that he writes for theprogress of the human society and human will be interpreted based on the coreconcept of his” writing height of standing in the perspective of all mankind” and"critical humanistic care”. Mo Yan’s literary position and creative ideas areconstantly changing, because of the advancement of theses three levels mentionedabove, Mo Yan’s novels are promoted to a new height.The second chapter mainly discusses the length issue of Mo Yan’s novels fromthe aspects of “time, space, and thought”. Mo Yan’s novels are generally larger size,which contains long time span and large space capacity. Mo Yan often describes thelong history and numerous stories happened in Dong Bei township of Gao Micounty and the great depression of the nation and the period in a panoramic way,which show his humanistic sympathy.The third chapter is mainly about the issue of density of Mo Yan’s novels. Itwill be discussed from the aspects such as event, character, thought etc,. Mo Yan’snovels often depict large density. In his novels, on the one hand, Mo Yan oftennarrates numerous events a rough way, on the other hand, various events werecrafted with fine lines by him. Not only many vivid characters are demonstrated,but also some typical characters with unique personality are created. Mo Yan’snovels contain abundant themes and complex ideas, which make the novels have awider space for interpretation and explanation. In the fourth chapter, the issue of difficulty about structure, language andthought of Mo Yan’s novels will be discussed. Mo Yan paid much attention to thediversification and individuation of the text of the art. His structure is colorful andvaried, his language is unique and gushing. Mo Yan’s novels have distinct Chinesecharacteristics and contain the individual literary innovation as well. However, tothe processing of the art of novel, Mo Yan is not perfect, his handling of the novelthemes is still not out of the circle of thinking. Although Mo Yan’s novel ideas andcreative practice are still exist some limitations, yet his novels have very high valueand significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mo Yan, novel, height, length, density, difficulty
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