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The Narrative Techniques And Thematic Signicance Of After The80Drama

Posted on:2015-12-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431494241Subject:Radio and Television Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After80’s television play in the present real number in the drama, and after80(A generation born after1980) and its generation and development has a lot to do with culture medium of shaping after80.80teleplays based pan-80after the main character shaping, concerned about their growing state, and is rooted in a variety of types of play.80teleplays triggered the emergence of social phenomena is enthusiastic discussion. After trying on80teleplays origin and cultural background to proceed, using narrative theory analysis of narrative techniques and themes presented, and its extension study of aesthetic significance and cultural significance, aims to develop after80teleplays and rheological make an overall studyThe first chapter will do some discussion and defined on basic concepts after80teleplays.80teleplays show is youth culture after80, it is necessary to define the culture and after80after80. For the hit TV series80, the author from the perspective of creation, economic perspective and acceptance angle a brief analysis.The second chapter focuses on the80teleplays narrative techniques, after80questions the reality TV show is a fit with the desired color, from trivia to begin to explore contemporary social life in the norm. This chapter discussed from conflicts drama, plays an artistic point of narrative clues arrangements, through the analysis of looking after80teleplays and themes presented in the narrative sense, and to explore the structure of the unity of expression after80teleplays in this section.Paper in the third chapter mainly discusses the narrative drama after80, presents the difference with other drama features, different from homogeneous historical themes of home countries,80after the topic with ideal color TV show is a joint reality, discusses in the contemporary society starting from the trivial life of ordinary life. This section will show the conflict and analyze the narrative clue, through the analysis for fit theme expression and narrative, and80are described in this section after the drama structure unity of expression.Thesis in the fourth chapter is based on the80TV drama as a reaction after the80life after carrier, carried by the analysis of the social and cultural significance. It showed the aesthetic of traditional, such as the decline of a patriarchal image, and stratification, media context of aesthetic to the reported effects on TV after80. Cultural perspective focuses on from the perspective of the sociology of series80after drama expression and social relations.
Keywords/Search Tags:after80’s television play, narrative techniques, thematicsignificance, cultural significance
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