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Research Rhetorical Features Poetry Zhang Zao

Posted on:2015-05-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Q SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431489776Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis is to explore the characteristics of poetry of Zhang Zao from the perspective of the rhetoric, it focuses on the analysis of rhetoric. That is, what rhetorical strategy does his poetry use? what are the differences when comparing the presence of these rhetorical strategies with classical poetry, and finally, it reflects Zhang Zao language style in the rhetorical style of learning poetry. Paper based on the analysis the phenomenon of language to generalize the laws and rules of the target, then we can get the analysis from the use of specific language rhetorical features, we can conclude that Zhang Zao drew attention to the choice of poetry and rhetoric polished form.The thesis is divided into four chapters:The first chapter briefly summarizes the sources, methods, theories and research of the topic of the paper, also outlined the knowledge of rhetoric, including the concept and research priorities as well as the source of rhetoric rhetorical.As the second chapter of this thesis focuses on the rhetorical strategies Zhang Zao poetry to do a detailed analysis, the first characteristic of contemporary poetry made brief rhetoric, Second, from the polished rhetoric and choice of two forms of poetry to reflect its rhetorical strategy, focusing on study of the "ring","poetry branches and punctuation","metaphor","parallelism""Repetition" these kinds of rhetorical strategies.The third:the chapter summarizes the poetic language style sheets dates were reflected in simple, profound and sweet style features LightnessChapter four:conclusion remarks.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhang Zao, Poem, Rhetorical Features
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