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The Contemporary Theory Of Civil Subjects In Panting Culture

Posted on:2015-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y XiaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the dramatic changes in the integration of the world culture and social China, Chinese modern painting appeared in numerous genres and styles, the civilian style of painting is an important tendency among them, the influence of western a variety of literary thoughts and the practice exploration Chinese painting at present, also let the painting of literati and the civilian part company each going his own way with the money you have me, I have you, in the face of art, the complexity of the status quo, China modern painting how to select and hold is facing Chinese contemporary painters important emotional entanglements. Modern painting formed the contemporary experience of Chinese painting by exploring common themes, contemporary artists to create a rich artistic works, its diversity of form, publicizing the connotation of civilian, let the tendency of modern painting gradually the line has something in common and basic painting style of the characteristics of the. Therefore, researching and concluding the appropriate to this style, for Chinese contemporary painting to inherit the traditional Chinese beauty of traditional painting and literature thought, how to face the changes of the times brought about by the impact, has important theoretical and practical significance. In the interpretation of modern painting demonstration, firstly, take the definition of attempt, reasonable for modern painting and civilians subject because, this problem is the art of "Yuan" problem. Also discussed the premise of paper, what is the common theme, theme classification of civilians, civilians and the development theme of contemporary breakthrough, cause modern civilian theme of these issues are defined not open around the issues of modern painting populist themes. Subject classification based on common theme painting connotation definition about modern painting tendency is defined and the related drawing civilian, historical evolution and representative painters and paintings such as ductility analysis of science localization. In addition, tendency of painting of civilians. As a kind of painting, its production is not water without a source, is the inheritance relationship between inner and Chinese traditional painting and Western painting, but also and Chinese literary thoughts of closely linked, it is the inevitable requirement Chinese painting environment change. Changes of civilians theme in modern painting history, the development needs of the times, also has the tendency of creation and thoughts of the artist, through composition, lines, color performance for modern painting has a strong affinity, at the same time in the choice of topic and content are more common, this is also a valuable contemporary painting, also the dilemma. Based on the various types of painting the painting in the analysis, the civilian subject to the current drawing production, development, performance and other content made a detailed explanation, and focus on the painting was part illustrates, hope to be able to reflect on the current painting.
Keywords/Search Tags:painting, canvas, subject matter, plebification, popular, content, form
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