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Perspective Conversion Of Marx’s Social Critical Theory

Posted on:2015-12-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H GengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431484944Subject:Marxist philosophy
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Perspective refers to an angle that people observe and study problems. Theory perspective means an angle that people base on a certain theory and applies its position and viewpoint to study problems. If perspective is different, opinions、methods and result are different. Perspective of Marx’s social critical theory is the angle of Marx criticized capitalist society. The finish of Marx’s social critical theory to a capitalist society had undergone a conversion process from rational critical perspective to practical critical perspective.Marx’s criticism to capitalist society began in perspective of rational criticism. The presence of rational criticism was due to the contradiction among Marx’s humanistic feelings、social ideal of democracy and freedom and social reality, its positions and viewpoints based on Germany’s rational philosophy, namely Hegel’s speculative philosophy and Feuerbach’s humanism. Marx judged social realities with rational philosophy and criticized phenomenon of social alienation, especially political alienation and labor alienation. Because rational criticism had its own limitations, so it cannot help Marx realize his purpose of social criticism. In particular, Marx had been aware of deficiencies of rational philosophy, which is based on abstract principles rather than a living reality and practical way of thinking. So, rational criticism can’t thoroughly criticize the essence of capitalist society and fundamentally change the capitalist society, lastly it can’t realize human real liberation. This urged Marx to discard rational philosophy and build up his practical philosophy, namely historical materialism. Practical philosophy made Marx establish practical way of thinking, under its guidance, Marx’s criticism to the capitalist society achieved a perspective conversion from rational criticism to practical criticism.Marx’s perspective of practical criticism means that Marx applied position and views of practical philosophy to criticize capitalist economic relations which were the root of all social problems. Through the analysis of capital relations, which enabled Marx to make a scientific theory analysis to overthrow the domination of capitalism and bring about social change. Therefore practical criticism overtakes rational criticism, it combines ideology criticism and physical criticism, also unify explanation and change to the world, all of these make practical criticism retain value connotation of criticizing capitalism. At the same time, practical criticism embodies scientific connotation by reveal inevitability of capital’s generation、development and death, is an unity of value and science. So, the establishment of practical criticism signals completion of Marx’s social criticism theory. Marx’s criticism to the capitalist society had undergone a perspective conversion from rational criticism to practical criticism. It’s not only enable us see clearly transformation process of Marx’s philosophy thinking way, but also make us have a more profound and thorough idea to the essence of capitalism, is also a important implications to our awareness of other social critical theory and reconsider our social real development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, social critical theory, perspective conversion, rationalcriticism, practical criticism
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