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The Research About Being In Metaphysics

Posted on:2015-05-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q P LiFull Text:PDF
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Aristotle, because of his enormous contribution to the ancient Greekphilosophy, makes it an encyclopedic breadth and depth. Besides, he alsomakes the formulation of Chinese kind of Metaphysics shown after thePhysics for the first time, as the saying that The metaphysics, that of Logos;the entity, that of device. Thus the first metaphysical system in the historyof Western philosophy is completed. The Metaphysics is the philosophytheory at the core of being(ousia or to on in Greek, or translated as essence),which can also be said that based on the noumenon. In the Metaphysics,Aristotle has repeatedly made reference to that being has been replaced inmany ways, but the basic meaning of being is the entity, whose secondarymeaning is kinds of category apart from the entity(such as the nature,number and the relationship, etc.). He also believes that the old question thatwhat is being is equivalent of the asking that what is entity.(1028b4) InMetaphysics, Aristotle clearly presents that First philosophy is thephilosophy of the ontology, and that The elements of ontology, reason andnature are our research objects”.This paper is studied and discussed on Aristotle’s ontological theory.The phrase of to on hei on has frequently appears in Aristotle’s Metaphysicswhich translated by Mr. Miao. The phrase embodies the essence ofAristotle’s philosophy. Therefore, this paper intends to explore the logicalconnotation of on in to on hei on, so as to understand the body meaning ofentity through the on, finally to comprehend the logic thought of Aristotle.This paper is divided into four sections. The first chaptermainlyintroduced the research background and meaning of this dissertation, as wellas the cuurent research situation at home and abroad. Then it summarizesthe research contents and methods of the paper. The second chapterintroduces the Aristotle’s main life experiences, besides the chapter also states main contents and the theme thought of his works Metaphysics. Afterthat, the third chapter is the core part of this paper. Throught the theory athome and abroad from Aristotle scholars, Aristotle’s philosophical thoughtand logical meaning of on in to on hei on is expounded from four aspectsrespectively: firstly, the definition of on(ousia) in the phrase; secondly, theidentity between on and individual things; thirdly, the copulative usage ofon(being); finally, the logical relationship of on. Whereby, the paper turnsout philosophical thought and logical theory in Aristotle ‘s literaturesMetaphysics for readers. The fourth chapter is the conclusion part with ageneral statement of Metaphysics as a combination of Aristotle’s logic andmetaphysics theory, specifically as the logical and philosophical analysis ofon(ousia). The Logic of Aristotle and his metaphysics (the first philosophy)get along swimmingly with each other, mutually penetrate, closely relate toeach other. In conclusion, the author holds, on one hand, the logical theorycreated by Aristotle contains profound philosophical foundation, with therich connotation of the logical philosophy; on the other hand, his logicalthoughts also penetrate into the philosophy of his metaphysics, making hisfirst philosophy full of logically analytic spirits, and laying a rationalanalysis tradition of the Western philosophy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Metaphysics, ousia, to on hei on
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