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The Change Of Bob Dylan’s Writing

Posted on:2015-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X C HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431468447Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Abstract: Bob Dylan is a famous folk musician and social activist of USA in1960s. Because of the profound impact on American history and culture, he was knownas the Epoch Spokesperson. In addition, he is an excellent songwriter. Dylan’s lyricscreation is not only deep, but also meaningful. At the same time, his lyrics areoutstanding and unique because of the influence of postmodernism. Owing to this, theselyrics have a certain aesthetic value and literary value. Bob Dylan’s lyrics are alsoappreciated by famous scholars and poets, such as Allen Ginsberg and John MountBaldy. Besides, Dylan has been nominated by the Nobel Prize of literature for severaltimes.Bob Dylan’s creation can be divided into two periods by the year1965. In theearly creation, Dylan absorbed the advantages of traditional folk songs, graduallyformed its own creative features while retaining the core value system of ballad. In hislater works, Dylan analyzed most aspects of the core value systems of folk songsincluding the content, form, and meaning. Thus, his work in this period showsanti-rational, anti-noble characteristics.The turning of Dylan’s creation can be tracked by different ways. They are mainlyrelated to three areas: social, ideas and personal. This paper aims to analyze these threeaspects, mining his psychological changing process as a folk singer, and try to explore amore profound cultural background of the steering of his creation.In addition, this paper was supported by Dylan’s works and historic, which it’sbeneficial to chase author’s opinions and to understand the legality of arguments.Moreover, it can recover the value of Dylan literary creation, assure his position inliterary history, and help people to throw away the mindset and pay more attention onnon-classical literary creations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bob Dylan, Folk Music, Change in Writing
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