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Bi Shumin Literature In The Treatment Of Literary Interpretation

Posted on:2015-08-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431450454Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Literature is a language of art, an aesthetic ideology, but also a way to master thehuman world. Literary writers (artists) from social life, reaching the spirit of artisticcreation and cultural products. Social role of literature includes aesthetic pleasurefunction, cognitive function, and ideological inspiration functionality, or summarizedas understanding of the role, the role of education and entertainment role, while in theprocess of literary reception, the recipient of its reader or viewer that psychologicalimplications, ideological inspiration, emotional nurturing, spiritual solace, soothe thesoul and so on, is to be discussed in this article "literary therapeutic effect."In this paper the historical background of literature and literary treatment of BiShumin occur, the possibility and reality, mechanism of action were deep and detaileddiscussion and discourse. The first part of the triple identity interaction and contactbetween Bi Shumin, analyzes her as a doctor, psychologist, author of three angles healthe sick, soothe the soul, literary treatment performance, and thus the creation of BiShumin literary treatment Themes life consciousness, consciousness, mentalconsciousness condensed out, and finally from Bi Shumin life experiences and theirbackground therapy literature summarized its road towards the cause. The second partfocuses on the treatment of life-Bi Shumin perspective is reflected in literature, deathfrom the beginning to face the fear of death, to know, learn to understand their ownvalue, the value of life, her own brush strokes, with the literature of this treatment, letReaders see the value of friendship, happy to see the suffering behind. The third partfocuses on Literary treatment of Bi Shumin female perspective, as an importantrepresentative of women writers, from the perspective of literary analysis of thetreatment of women is essential, in his literary works, all the time disseminated towomen’s independence, happiness cry color, her literary means of treatment withreality had already been riddled with injuries of women’s heart, he told women to faceyourself, remind yourself to enjoy happiness. On the other hand, as an importantmanifestation of the female perspective of the role of the mother is also the focus of BiShumin portray one angle, she means to allow readers to see the mother of literaturean important role in life. The fourth part of the language arts starting from Bi Shuminfocus reflected in the literary language repair during treatment, and soothing. BiShumin use of language, ease of migration in language arts among the psychological perception drip through records, death scene rendering, achieve a breakthroughtherapeutic purposes topic circuitous route; life through language, context, characterhighly fit, proper and decent, laying the foundation for literary treatment; Finally, theabstract for the image, inspire readers resonance contrast lay language magnificentand beautiful form of art, both in the formation of the therapeutic effect.Bi Shumin works his soul and courage to dissect human weakness, andcommented on the human errors, in order to treat people’s spiritual ills and r estorebeautiful natural humanity. Bi Shumin’s work embodies the lofty literary ideals andstrong social responsibility, she always use literature to discover beauty in humannature, seeking to express the ideals of humanity and call; courage to face all k inds ofsocial problems and people with mental health problems, for ugly side of humannature to be deeply expose and criticize; bold anatomical human weaknesses, toprovide treatment mental ills recipe, which is a concentrated expression of her literaryworks play a therapeutic role.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bi Shumin, literature, literary treatment
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