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Consciousness Generate On Subjectivity Dimension

Posted on:2015-04-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y ChenFull Text:PDF
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Consciousness is not just a simple object reflection and some social members’smutual consciousness. The nature of consciousness is determined by the social life,consciousness is a reflection of subject-object relationship. By adhering to the natureof the material world is objective reality,and drawing a limit between Marxism viewand idealism. Adhering to the material of the unification of the objective reality andconsciousness of subject initiative, Critical agnosticism and skepticism, Marking theMarxist philosophy is scientific and revolutionary.The subjectivity consciousness generated was first established on the basis ofsocial product.Subject setted up by their own practice their own objects, objectiveconsciousness and self-consciousness. And objective consciousness is based onself-consciousness intermediary, is also the fact that the unity of cognition and valueconsciousness. Consciousness is limited by a social and historical content, andsubjective consciousness depend on society. Stressing objective material conditionsand basic material production, can’t ignore subjectivity practice aspect at the sametime, the development of social history and the social civilization progress is theresult of human’s practic, is the subject pursuit of value and purpose. To accuratelygrasp the subjectivity consciousness problem we need the unity of materialism anddialectic in Marxism view.Facing the challenge of all kinds of idealism, using the method of Marxism to thesubjectivity consciousness generated to study to complete and more profoundunderstanding of Marxist philosophy.Promote the contemporary construction ofsocialist advanced culture and the formation of the socialist core value.
Keywords/Search Tags:consciousness, subjectivity, practice, historical materialism
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