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The Diverisified Development And Market Research Of Open Digital Content Products In Internet Environment

Posted on:2015-10-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q PengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, in the Internet environment, open the newly created digital contentproducts for the study, as in the case of Japan VOCALOID products to the worldwideInternet environment for the study of background research on diverse open digitalanimation development and market-oriented business model. Behavior analysisthrough research and find an open digital animation of the causes and constraints,research in the Internet environment, consumers expansion capabilities in the creationand dissemination capabilities, while producer perspectives on how to use these toexpand consumer the ability to obtain commercial benefits of research on how tocomplete the open digital content products division of producers and consumers in theInternet environment, so that the two sides reached a win-win result in commercialactivities. Finally, the current development of China VOCALOID product analysisinadequate development of China’s Internet environment is certainly open digitalcontent products, prospective, open digital content products have more dollars in theform of a more developed in future in the Internet environment and more brightfuture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet, open digital content products, VOCALOID, creative typeconsumers, experiential consumer
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