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A Study Of The Diasporic Writing In A Bend In The River

Posted on:2015-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Xue HuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330422986585Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
When the theory of post-colonial studies developed prosperously, some westernscholars, like Said and Homi Bahba, began to concern a new cultural and literaryphenomenon: Diasporas and diasporic writings. Diaspora is a result of invasion ofimmigration after1850s. Diasporic writings are produced by the descendents of theseimmigrants with their special experience and feelings. Naipaul is regarded as a typicalpostcolonial writer whose works concern the dilemma immigrants suffered inpostcolonial society. In his representative work a Bend in the River, Naipaul shows hisconcerns about Africa in the wake of decolonization. Nationalism and independencedo not bring political stability and prosperity to the newly-emerging nations. Instead,more chaos and bloodshed have befallen the colonized people. The predicament ofpostcolonial Africa becomes the focus of Naipaul’s attention in the novel.With a concern about the living and spiritual situation of people in postcolonialcondition, this thesis analyzes what features Naipaul’s diasporic writings: culturaldisplacement and identity. The main goal of this thesis is to reveal that identity crisisis common issue in the context of postcolonial African societies. Diasporas ofdifferent cultural roots make efforts to seek their identity. In order to adapt to the hostcountry and at the same time to maintain their own cultural roots, they form acomplex and hybrid identity. Naipaul’s writing reflects the anxiety of diasporas whoare caught between cultures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Naipaul, diapora, cultural displacement, identity crisis
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