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The Militarism Politics Of Edo Shogunate Period

Posted on:2015-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330422976040Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Edo period (1603--1867) is a peak stage of the development of feudalsociety and the development of the power of samurai in Japan. On the one hand, theEdo shogunate to inherit the features of they can control andconsolidate the power of samurai,social classes, each class are under the control ofthe power of samurai. On the other hand, the Edo period is the legal age of the politicshistory of samurai, using legal means to strengthen the military regime and rule ofsamurai society. the shogunate obey the royal on the surface, in fact is superior to theemperor’s authority because they control the economic of royal. All sectors of societywere controlled by the legal system of shogunate:scholar, farmer, artisan andmerchant are under the control of the legal system of the shogunate. Can say, Edoperiod is the "unification era" in the history of Japan, because the samurai society hasnever been so high centralization of authority in the past, and to maintain the peacemore than two centuries. In addition, The thought system of Bushido in this period isalso changed, from the main the ideological origin of the power of samurai to thethought origin that use the "government road" to safeguard a country. The group ofsamurai has become the political ruler, cultural elite, has exerted a far-reachinginfluence on development of Japanese society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Japan, edo shogunate, Militarism politics
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