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On The Translation Of The Titles Of Traditional Chinese Instrumental Music Works From The Methods Of Domesticating And Foreignizing Translation

Posted on:2015-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330422492908Subject:English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With a series of collections, analysis and organization, the translation of the titlesof Chinese instrumental music works will be examined in this paper. From theperspective of communication, different translations and their different influences willbe the main research object.This paper starts from the general introduction to traditional Chinese music andChinese instrumental music, emphasizing their history, development and internationalcommunication. It gradually moves into the translation strategies of domestication andforeignization, with introducing the history of the music literature translation in China.In order to have a clear focus for the research, titles of Chinese instrumentalmusic works will be studied by three categories: titles of qupai music works, titles ofmodern instrumental music works and titles of folk instrumental music works. As faras different categories are concerned, the translation strategies employed will bedifferent. The translation of qupai could be mainly translated by the method ofdomestication and supplemented by foreignization, for the titles of most qupai are notrelated to the content; while in the translation of titles of modern instrumental musicworks, we could use the combination of domestication and foreignization as theprincipal method, because most of the titles depict scenic beauty or express thecomposers’ emotions; and for a better understanding of Chinese customs and culture,the titles of folk instrumental music works could be translated by means ofdomestication. Great importance should be attached to the cultural differences betweenChina and the West to ensure a better cross-cultural communication.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese instrumental music, title, English translation, Domestication andForeignization
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