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The Adaptation Of Memes In Network Catchphrase

Posted on:2015-03-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330422489188Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the popularity of the Internet, network catchwords are becoming more andmore widespread in people’s daily life, on the one hand, they reflect the state ofpeople’s life in the modern society, and on the other hand, they also impact people’slife. Therefore, it should be attached importance to study the network catchwords.However, not all network terms can become widely spread catchwords. The reasonwhy network catchwords are able to stand out in a number of terms and frequentlyappear in people’s communicative activities should be attributed to their uniqueness.Currently, there are many scholars who study the network catchwords from theperspective of memetics, but few scholars study from the perspective of adaptiontheory. The author believes that although memetics can explain the spread and theepidemic process of network catchwords in detail, it is still difficult for the theory toanswer for the deep-seated question why network catchwords can be spread andpopular. To solve the problem, it is necessary to use the adaption theory to deeplystudy the epidemic process and ways of network catchwords.Based on the theory of adaption, this paper attempts to study the networkcatchwords in the memetic phenomena and analyzes the reasons for its spread andprevalence. Firstly, the paper carries a classification analysis of network catchwords’epidemic process from the perspective of memetics, and then explains the spread indetail. Secondly, by using the adaption theory, the paper mainly analyzes theadaptability of the memes in the network catchwords from three aspects: the physicalworld, social world and the physical world, in attempt to reflect the adaptability ofnetwork catchwords in the spread process from multi perspectives. Finally, throughanalyzing the adaptability in the three worlds, the paper studies the characteristics of the memes’ adaptability of network catchwords, describes the special elements, that isto say, network catchwords comply with three elements in the network world:high-speed, simple, and recreational; and then the paper analyzes the conditions forthe existence of network catchwords.
Keywords/Search Tags:network catchphrase, memes theory, adaptation theory
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