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A Reflective Research Report On The Translation Of Domestic Service Contracts

Posted on:2015-10-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This is a reflective research report based on the translation of three differentdomestic service contracts: the service contracts of home nursing, household cleaningand family education.Today in the21st century, in order to keep up with the development trend ofinternational market, China is obliged to boost the domestic service industry whichserves as the sunrise industry in tertiary sector, and thus the translation of domesticservice contracts plays an important role in protecting contracting parties’ rights andinterests and guaranteeing the performance of obligations. The author puts theresearch perspective on the translation of such texts, which has certain practicalsignificance.In the course of translation, an important task of translators is to adoptcorresponding translation principles and methods in accordance with the types ofsource texts. Only the translators make accurate judgment on the types and styles ofthe source texts, can they choose the right translation principles and methods tohandle diverse translation materials. Based on the translation of three differentdomestic service contracts, namely, Advanced Domestic Personnel EmploymentContract, Cleaning Service Contract and Domestic Service Contract of HomeNursing, this reflective research report generalizes the encountered translationproblems into four categories: professional terms, sentence patterns, stylisticcharacteristics and text types, and quotes the concrete examples to demonstrate andanalyze such problems. Furthermore, some specific translation skills and methods, forinstance, sequence translation, reverse translation and synthetic translation, are alsoused to help solve the translation problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:practical translation, domestic service contracts, Text Typology
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