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Posted on:2015-09-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y YanFull Text:PDF
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The development of landscapepainting in Xinjiang has a late start. Comparingwith traditionallandscape painting, it doesn’t have a complete system or acontinuousinheritance. As a result, the current status of Xinjianglandscape painting in the finearts domain is still underexploration. This vast land has two basins and threemountains,which made Xinjiang landscape possess unique regional advantages.Also,representative customs and variety of widely different stylesof scenes provide a lot ofmaterials to artistic creation in artfield. Those regional advantages are notproportional to thedevelopment level of its artistic creation. After studying thenearcontemporary of Xinjiang landscape painting, it has been found thatits creativedirection mainly targets at the vast boundlessterritory and panoramic landscapepaintings. Since old times,houses and trees are embellishments in landscapepaintings.Although their proportion increased a little, they are still at theattachedposition. At the moment, painters who work on Xinjian gregional creations areshowing the vast and natural barrier of Xinjiang, in order to use regional advantageto shape sharpcontrast with southern landscape. This kind of painting is throughthewhole development of art creation in Xinjiang. In the meantime, very few landscapepaintings are about the life of herdsmanin little king, which shows theirhappy-go-lucky lifestyle and pureheart.“Memory of Family and Trees”takessubtleties of dwellings and trees asperspective, use landscape painting to express thefeeling in whichherdsman who live under the Mount Tianshan are indifference toseekfame and wealth among the boundless vast land. In here, scatteringdwellings andtall trees don’t want to conquer nature, theyattach themselves to nature and live inharmony with nature, eventhere are thousand miles of snow mountains around them.That isalso the feeling of herdsman. This kind of feeling remainsconnected with themain idea of Chinese traditional landscapepainting which is Nature. Therefore, in theseries of landscapepainting-“Memory of Family and Trees”,there are not only oneway to express thevigour of nature, also the whole can be expressed throughdetails,the little king are used to set off great scenes. In summarizationof theory andpractice, the creation is still in accordance withthe interpretations of Confucianism,the Tao and Buddhism intraditional landscape painting.“Memory of FamilyandTrees” uses theform of little king to create landscape painting, and takesdifferentdwellings in Xinjiang such as yurt, log cabin of Tuwa andterraced households ascreative materials to understand artistictouch of plain and innocence inlandscapepainting.
Keywords/Search Tags:plain, innocence, nature, little king
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