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A Study Of The Philip Roth’s Subjective Writing Tenor Of "the United States Trilogy"

Posted on:2014-09-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y W JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330422474461Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Philip Roth (Philip Roth,1933-), who is a giant still active in Americacontemporary literary, is considered to be one of the most outstanding and influentialwriters of Jewish descent. Philip Roth is a writer with strong consciousness of creation,which shows particularly stronger on his representatives “United States Trilogy” in hiscreative maturity. This article illustrates the structure of creative subjectivity in the“United States Trilogy” from three perspectives:“why”(origin of the writer’s creativeconsciousness),“what”(the value and significance of ideological and culturalconnotations) and “for whom”(from the readers perspective to realize the authorsintent).The introduction focuses on Philip Roth’s contribution and his influence in thefield of literature. Then it specifically introduces purpose and meaning of this thesis.Based on the careful analysis on Roth and his works at home and abroad, further pointsout the article research methods and research trend. For further reading and digging hisworks from the subjective consciousness of creation.Chapter I focuses on the origin of the creative subjectivity in the “United StatesTrilogy”, that is,“why”. It studies that why the living environment of Jewish descentraises the author’s psychology of creation, as well as the “Trilogy” of narrativesubjectivity, that is, memories of war and biography writing of Jews living experience.Chapter II focuses on the revealed ideological and cultural connotations in the“United States Trilogy”, that is,“what”. It reveals the authors’ subjective valueorientation from the perspective of the cultural meaning, the highlighting of the nationalconsciousness, and the writing about life and death in the “United States Trilogy”.Chapter Ⅲ typically discusses the readers perspective of writing tendency in the“United States Trilogy”, that is,“for whom”. It explains the author’s true intention andreader’s consciousness, the interaction of the awareness of two exchanges of dialogueand the awareness of text structure from the perspective of the reader extension.
Keywords/Search Tags:Philip Roth, The United States Trilogy, Creative subjectivity, Consciousness of readers
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