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The Research Of Synonymous Idioms Differences

Posted on:2014-10-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330422465563Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Chinese idioms is the important constituent of Chinese and Chinese culture,the research to it in the academic circles has never stopped. The previous study ofidioms has various of research angles, and the results are very rich. The synonymousidioms is an important part of idiom, and it is also one of the research object of theidiom. But compared with the other contents of the idiom, the research of differencesbetween synonymous idioms is still very weak. Although the scholars have discussedthe differences of synonymous idioms before, but they were not comprehensive anddeep-going. This paper will do comprehensive analysis and summary on synonymousidioms, and strive to be innovative on the basis of previous studies.This article will distinguish the synonymous idioms in broad sense and narrowsense. And divided the synonymous idioms into two parts: the narrow sensesynonymous idioms, the nearly righteousness idioms, then do research on them.According to the two different nature, this paper study the narrow sense synonymousidioms differences in the point of form and study the nearly righteousness idioms inthe point of meaning, grammar, the way to express the meaning and so on.For the narrow sense synonymous idioms, this paper think that change morphemeand change order are the main reasons for the form difference. The paper analyses thetwo reasons comprehensive and meticulous. At the same time, the article alsodiscusses the other reasons for the different forms between the narrow sensesynonymous idioms in addition to the above two reasons, in order to make thediscussion more comprehensive.For the nearly righteousness idioms, this paper discusses the reasons for thedifferences in the point of meaning, grammar, etymology and the way to express themeaning. The research covers most of the differences between the nearly righteousnessidioms, and the classification and expression in each angle is detailed. In addition, this paper also discusses the complex relationship between the narrowsense synonymous idioms and the complex semantic relations between the nearlyrighteousness idioms. They are the expansion of the synonymy idioms differencesresearch.
Keywords/Search Tags:the narrow sense synonymous idioms, the nearly righteousnessidioms, differences
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