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Jingge Music Performing Arts Research

Posted on:2013-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B T DengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As everyone knows, Beijing opera is the gem of Chinese national art, it is our"national essence". JingGe developed on the basis of Beijing opera culture, withmodern songs as a form of cultural phenomenon. In view of this art form and culturaldevelopment of the current situation, the author will take JingGe as the researchobject, aims to conclude and summarize the whole JingGe music features and specificJingGe music vocal characteristics and technical requirements.Study of JingGe formation and development as the prerequisite, analysis thedefinition, source of JingGe, classification, formation and development, focusing onspecific JingGe music melody characteristic, mode features, characteristics andfeatures of rhythm accompaniment, allowing readers to JingGe which is a specialform of art creation characteristics of having a certain understanding. At the sametime, JingGe Singing requirements, separately from the articulation, respiratory,charm and stage performance in four aspects carries on the analysis and theelaboration, aims to better enrich JingGe specific singing theory, ultimately for theJingGe singer to provide some help. Finally, through the traditional, modern and formthree aspects of JingGe aesthetic analysis and envisaged by the composer, theaudience and the government in JingGe development to promote and help.
Keywords/Search Tags:JingGe, national music, Peking Opera, opera songs, Drama, folk arts, songs form
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