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Features Of Language Performance Of Yokomitsuriichi’s Initial Literature-based On The Fly

Posted on:2013-10-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330362963797Subject:Japanese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Kawabatayasunari and Yokomitsuriichi, who was credited for a literature divinity, apioneer of Neo-sensationalist Literature and a valiant general, opened up Syouwa Literature.Yokomitsuriichi, his literature was divided into three stages, the Age of Neo-sensationalistLiterature, the Age of Psychologism and the Age of Real Novel. Each stage had its ownrepresentative works and features of literature displaying. Especially at the stage ofNeo-sensationalist Literature, Yokomitsuriichi was the only one who insisted inNeo-sensationalist Literature. In other words, without Yokomitsuriichi there would noJapanese Neo-Sensation and no literature movement.Yokomitsuriichi wrote the short story The Fly, by technique and skill expression ofNeo-sensationalist Literature. This novel was an experiment of his initial writing. Under thisnovel’s influence, he wrote a series of novel, such as Head and Belly, The Sun, Napoleon andScabies, Spring is coming on. As his initial writings, these works had common features onlanguage expression. For this reason, The Fly was proper and typical on the researching hislanguage performance characteristics.This article was mainly about Yokomitsuriichi’s representative work, The Fly. By way ofreading in detail, this article analyzed the performance characteristic of this novel’s language,and also mentioned the relationship between The Fly and other works at that time. On thisaccount, we discovered and summed up the common features of his language performance.In chapter one, it was introduced in this article that the Kawabatayasunari’s life and theproduction of The Fly.Chapter two analyzed the features of language performance in The Fly,by three aspects, words, sentences and figures of speech. Finally, chapter three introduced thefeatures of language performance about Kawabatayasunari’s novels, and made a conclusionof the common features of his language performance in his initial works. The three commonfeatures were massive applying of figure of speech, description and implying of sex anddramatic language.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yokomitsuriichi, The early literature, The Fly, Language, Performance
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