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Reach On The Poor Farmers Corporation Of Shansi-chahar-hopei Liberated Area

Posted on:2013-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330362464175Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is the critical period that the National Party of China and the Communist Party ofChina showdown during the war of liberation. In the case of disparity of forces between thetwo sides, seeking popular support is important,therefore, the Communist Party of Chinalaunched a land reform movement to solve the problem of peasant land and have the supportof the people successfully.As the object of the Communist Party of China relies on, Poor Farmers Corporation didvery well on Stir up farmers ’ class consciousness. Because of the class consciousness,revolutionary forces of being fired out of the village and support the liberation war. While thePoor Farmers Corporation familiar with the country’s Supreme, the Poor Farmers entering thepolitical arena and break through the old power structure of the village, the poor farmers feel asense of political power.However, while have a sense of political power, the Poor Farmers Corporationundermined the country’s economic order and crack down others, the left-leaning errors leadto the farmers fear and poor peasants unrest, seriously affect peasants ’ production enthusiasm.For these reasons, when the Land reform essentially completed, works moved to recovery anddevelopment of the liberated area, the Poor Farmers Corporation accomplished the historicalmission and replaced by the peasants ’ congress.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shansi-chahar-hopei, the Poor Farmers Corporation, Historical status
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