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The Evaluation Value To Enforce The Fundus Before The Operation Of Cataract By Using Three Different Examination Methods

Posted on:2017-02-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D LiuFull Text:PDF
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Objective To observe direct ophthalmoscope, B-type ultrasonic and optical coherence tomography(OCT)checking out effect in patients with fundus disease before the operation of cataract, then evaluate the value of three methods, and provide a wider range of clinical reference for exam fundus diseases before the operation of cataract.METHODS Retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 352 cases(576eyes)of cataract surgeries received by the second affiliated hospital of Anhui medical university from April 2013 to October 2015, male 128 cases(202 eyes), female 224 cases(354eyes), aged 48 to 85 years, an average of 67.25 ± 8.23 years old. In this report,the same examination was completed by the same skilled doctor, so the data of all cases we collected in this report are accurate. All of the patients were check-out by regular visual acuity Goldmann tonometer intraocular pressure measurement before cataract surgery, eliminate the diseases of trauma, glaucoma, uveitis, etc. And then, using conventional ophthalmoscope, Heidelberg, Germany, the fourth generation of OCT and eye B ultrasonic inspection on patients with fundus, calculate the three methods of ophthalmology examination positive rate, the ophthalmology examination positive rate of OCT as a reference, and then use Mc Nemar test to compare the value of different inspection method in checking fundus diseases, and anlayze whether there is differences significant between OCT joint B-type ultrasonic and OCT used alone.RESULTS1. Direct ophthalmoscope check out 64eyes(positive rate is 11.5%)with fundus diseases, the Mc Nemar test, μ=6.00 is greater than the μα/2=1.96, and P< 0.05, its means that there is significant difference between OCT and direct ophthalmoscope’s exam datas at the level of α=0.05.2.B-type ultrasonic detect 36 eyes(6.5%)with fundus diseases, the Mc Nemar test,μ=6.96 is greater than the μα/2=1.96, and P< 0.05, its means that the result of Mc Nemar test OCT and B-type ultrasonic’s exam datas has significant difference at the level of α=0.05, but the patients with severe turbidity lens used B-type detected 12 eyes with fundus diseases, in this case, OCT cannot check out the fundus diseases.3.OCT found 102 eyes(18.3%) with fundus diseases, OCT joint eye B ultrasonic detection ophthalmology positive cases of 114 eyes(20.5%), the Mc Nemar test, μ=3.18 is greater than the μα/2=1.96, and P< 0.05, suggesting that the detection results between them has significant differences at the level of α=0.05.CONCLUSION OCT have higher value and more sensitive to check macular diseases than the others two checking methods. However, the structure of retinal layer of the patients who had serious lens turbidity can not be observed, which can be remedied by B-type ultrasonic. By the examination of OCT and B-type ultrasonic, fundus diseases can be examined accurately and early, which has the largest value to predictive the visual acuity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Catract, Optical coherence tomography, Eye B-type ultrasonic, direct ophthalmoscope, preoperative examination
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