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Characteristics Of Spiral Wave Distribution In Neocortex In Absence Epileptic Rats

Posted on:2017-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H DaiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: To explore the pathogenesis of absence epilepsy through the analysis the characteristics of spiral waves distribution in neocortex.Methods: Absence epileptic rat model was established via GBL(150mg/kg) intraperitoneal injected in rats. Voltage sensitive dying(VSD) imaging was performed combinding with VSD EEG and ECG recording simultaneouly.The distribution characteristics of spiral waves were analyzed in different stages divided depending on the spike slow wave discharges, including background stage(BS), discharge coming stage(DCS), during discharge stage(DDS), discharge ending stage and interictal stage(IS).Results: Absence epileptic rat model was successfully established with EEG clearly present typical spike slow wave discharge regularly. Both of the frequency and duration of spiral waves were significant increased in DES period than that of other stages(BS, DCS, DDS, IS)(P<0.05).Conclusions: Spiral waves preffered to occur in DES period, suggesting that it may be an important mechanism underlying self-termination of absence seizure in cortex. Therefore, spiral waves may be an important functional regulating pattern for population neurons to control the duration of absenceseizures on the fluid dynamics horizon in neocortex.
Keywords/Search Tags:Absence epilepsy, Spiral waves, Voltage sensitive dye
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