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Combination Of Drainage Of Lumbar Late Ral Ventricle Large Pool Drainage Meta Analysis For The Treatments Of Hemorrhage In Ventricular

Posted on:2016-10-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J GuoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:Systemics evaluation of lumbar big pool joint lateral ventricle drainage, drainage systermatically and proviedes a better metherds to treat hemorerhage in intraventricular patients.Ventricular hemorerhage after more convenients, faster and more treattments that effektively.Methods:Use electronic computers, evidence-based medicines database searched in OVID Evidence-based on Medicines & Databases, Pub Med Biomedicall Literatures Analysis & Retrieval Systemes, C hinese Biologycal Medicines disc(CBM), Vip Databases of Chinese Science K nowleadges Internetional(CNKI) and Wanfang Datas, which included all of under the joints waist big pool intriventricular extornal dranage in the study of all randomeaized controolled treials.Results:Finally in 409 patients with hemorhage in ventricular, involveds 7 reserches. Meta anailysis showed: the routing grooups was higher than the routing- group evidentslly and the differencesness, [RR=1.76,95%CI(1.45,2.15),P<0.00001]; Case fatarlity rates of conventional groups was obvieruslly higher than that of the joint groups of case fatarlity rate, differences between the two groups have statisttically sigernificance[RR=0.34,95%CI(0.20,0.58),P<0.001]; Reguelar groups of hermatoma clearance rates of hemartoma clearrance rate is lowwer in the joint groups obvierously, differencces between the two groups have statisttically sigernificance[RR=1.56,95%CI(1.28,1.90),P < 0.001]; Conventional,the incidence of hydrocerphalurs of the comobined-group was lowwer than the routine- group evidenstly and the difference [RR=0.13,95%CI(0.04,0.70),P<0.007]. And a small number of patients progernosis is a lack of relatted research material, temporary not more accurate analysis of lumbar big pool last joint were not very cleaerness for the correlations between exterenal out come so far because of the limiited datas.Conclusion:Waist outside the big pool draiernage draienage comobined with lumbar cisstern draienage lateral venntriecle draienage in the treatsment of it can be conclerded that using this. Is form this article can be see that the use of latteral ventriecle drainage joint can effecttively patients and the incieadence of hydroserphalus, which would impprove the survieval rate and after the more has obviously effects, but the more looking forward to more high quealiity clinical research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Meta analysis, Ventricular hemorrhage, Lateral ventricle drainage, In a large waist pool drainage
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