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The Mechanism Of The Ecological Pathogen "Internal And External Pathogens" Caused By The Cold Pathogen

Posted on:2015-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y QiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330467461289Subject:TCM History and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Previous doctors investigated the pathogenic mechanism of six exogenouspathogens, the basis of which was the transformation between the vital qi and pathogenicqi. The definition and transformation model of vital and pathogenic qi had beenillustrated by《The Huang Emperor’s classic of Internal Medicine》and other previousprofessors. The current study summarized the descriptions of previous professors andmade some further illustrations via combining with the ecological medicine. In order toadapt the deepening understanding of the pathogenic mechanism in modern society andtreatments of traditional Medicine, the present study based on the Ecological Medicineraised by the professor Dr Gongding Tao, discussed the definitions and normaltransformation models of vital qi and pathogenic qi, and concluded the pathogenicmechanism of six exogenous pathogens presented by the cold pathogenic factor.The thesis includes two parts.1. The first part mainly describes:⑴The origin,theoretical basis, and development of “the ecological Pathogen in general”;⑵Thedefinitions and the operations of vital qi and pathogenic qi in general and in particular;⑶the definitions of vital qi and pathogenic qi according to the above descriptions;⑷illustrates the influence of “climate factors” through three aspects, which will pave thepathogenic mechanisms of cold evil in the following;⑸combines with the descriptionsof vital qi and pathogenic qi in the theory of dissipative structure to find the similaritiesbetween morden and traditional medicine.The second part investigated the pathogenic mechanism of the six pathogenicfactors represented by the cold pathogen basing on the first part, including:(1) thedefinitions and basic demonstration of the “cold” and “cold pathogen”;(2) the summaryof previous description on the pathogenic mechanism of the cold pathogen;(3) theunderstanding of “cold” by the modern medicine;(4) the modern experiments focusingon the diseases caused by the “cold” pathogen;⑸discuss the pathogenic mechanismsof cold evil through four aspects in detail.Through the description of the above we can draw the following conclusions:1.The vital qi is a functional definition. Only the normal operating of qi belongs to the vitalqi. Moreover, whether the qi is normal operating depends on whether the operating system of the internal vital qi is consistent with the operation of the normal natural qi.2. The pathogenic qi is not a qualitative concept as the pathogenic qi exists togetherwith the vital qi. The pathogenic qi is the representative form of an abnormal operation ofthe natural qi and does not have any property. The abnormal form of qi could be called“pathogenic qi” only when the qi affected body and caused some symptom.3. Fuxie is a kind of non-obvious predisposing causes and symptoms of diseasesbackstepping, it has the profound influence to the preventive treatment of disease.4. The prerequisite pathogenic conditions of the cold evil include the depletion ofthe vital qi and excess of the cold evil. Most of the symptoms are caused by the“combination of the internal and external pathogens”.5. The pathogenic mechanism of the cold pathogen is concluded as following.Human body is a whole system is which yin and yang is constantly varying to maintainthe dynamic balance. The cold pathogen strengthens the internal yin as a yin effect. Theinfluence of yang in the internal self-adjusting system combined with yin to impair theexcessive internal yin and maintain the internal balance. Some symptoms presenting theyin feature will appear when there is insufficient internal yang to combine with theexcessive yin. Consequently, the pathogenic mechanism of the “cold pathogen” is notactive. This pathogenic mechanism results from individuals’ passive adaptions to thenature (i.e., a non-benign interaction).
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecological causes, vital qi, pathogenic qi, cold-evil, dissipativestructure, Pathogenic mechanism
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