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The Intervention Mechanism Research Of Bariatric Surgery In Obese Brain Structure

Posted on:2015-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330464470186Subject:Biomedical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Obesity has been defined as a kind of disease by the world health organization, obese and overweight population has reached 2.1 billion worldwide, obesity has become the third factors most threat to human health after cardiovascular and cancer, overweight and obesity can lead to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dyslipidemia, and sleep apnea. Obesity has seriously impact on human health of body and mind, obesity has become a problem facing all countries in the world. There are many way to treat obesity, bariatric surgery as a treatment for obesity is the only effective method for a long time. At present, the minimally invasive surgery including adjustable gastric band, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and roux-e-y gastric bypass surgery to lose weight. As neuroimaging more and more is applied in brain, this article study neural physiological mechanism of bariatric surgery by magnetic resonance image.In this paper, the main work and innovations are as follows:1. Research on bariatric surgery in obese patients abnormal brain white matter microstructure.This study uses diffusion tensor image to study abnormal brain white matter microstructure in obese by bariatric surgery. We use the tract-based spatial statistics method to study diffusion tensor parameters include average dispersion rate, anisotropy value, based on the skeleton of obesity with preoperative and postoperative a month of obese patients and normal subjects. The study found that, compared with normal weight obesity have differences in white matter fiber area of anisotropic value is low and the average dispersion rate is higher. Significant difference area are follows: bilateral Anterior Corona Radiata, Anterior Limb of Internal Capsule Right, Corpus Callosum(body, genu, splenium), Cingulum(Hippocampus) Left, Cerebral Peduncle Left, Corticospinal Tract Left, External Capsule left, Fornix(cres) / Stria Terminalis left, Posterior Corona Radiata Left, Posterior Limb of Internal Capsule Left, Retrolenticular part of Internal Capsule Left. A month later, anisotropy value and the average dispersion rate of the differences region are recovered in obesity, gradually tend to be normal. We still study the effect of food addiction on brain structure, after regression of food addiction, we found that most of the original regions disappear, the results show that food addiction plays an important role in obesity with abnormal brain structure.2. Research on the effects of gray matter structure by bariatric surgery.This study analyzes T1 structure by Free Surfer software, we study the cortical thickness and cortical area of gray matter and brain volume on preoperative and postoperative a month of obesity and normal weight subjects. Found that compared with the normal weight, surface area of some brain regions is larger, the cortex and cortex thickness is smaller. Regional differences in cortical thickness: Fusiform Right; Regional differences in surface of cortex: Postcentral Left, Postcentral Right, Lingual Right, Supramarginal Right, IPL. Regional differences in volume: Superiortemporal Left, Inferiortemporal Left, Pericalcarine Left. A month later, the cortex area, surface area and the thickness of the cortex in obesity has restored, tend to be normal.3. Research on brain structure by voxel-based morphometery.This study uses the voxel-based morphometery method to study the magnetic resonance T1 structure image. Through the research on the difference of region found that obese patients and normal people’s gray matter, white matter density in multiple brain regions are significant differences. After undergoing bariatric operation, reward area, the edge area and the frontal region of the GM/WM density and the temporal lobe, parietal lobe and the occipital cortex of the visual GM/WM density is improved.This article study neural physiological mechanism of bariatric surgery through image of brain structure, we use tract-based spatial statistics, voxel-based morphometery and Freesurfer to process data of brain structure. The above studies have shown that bariatric surgery in obese patients could improve the structure of the obese brain.
Keywords/Search Tags:bariatric surgery, diffusion tensor imaging, cerebral cortex, image of structure
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