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Irritable Study Points Receptors Threshold Measurement And Evaluation Of The Efficacy Of Acupuncture Bowel Syndrome

Posted on:2015-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330452958342Subject:Chinese medical science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective The aim of this study is to detect the pain threshold of bilateral Jing-wells,Ying-Spring, Shu-Stream, Jing-River, He-sea, Front-Mu, Lower He-sea, Yuan-Source,Luo-Connecting and Back-shu points of LI, SI, GB, ST, SP, and BL meridians of irritablebowel syndrome (IBS) and healthy people, and to observe the Changes of the painthreshold of the points after acupuncture, and to analyze the causes and mechanisms ofthe change, in order to improve the acupuncture efficacy on irritable bowel syndrome.Methods34healthy people and60IBS patients were selected in this study. The painthreshold of the points of bilateral Jing-wells, Ying-Spring, Shu-Stream, Jing-River, He-sea, Front-Mu, Lower He-sea, Yuan-Source, Luo-Connecting and Back-shu points of LI,SI, GB, ST, SP, and BL meridians was detected by Von Free brush(Pain thresholdDetector). Then the patients of the IBS were randomly divided into two groups,acupuncture group(N=30) and control group(N=30). In acupuncture group the pointsthe pain threshold of which decreased significantly detected by Von Free were selected asacupuncture point, including Zusanli(ST36), Shangjuxu(ST37), Xiajuxu(ST39),Dachangshu(BL25), Xiaochangshu(BL27), Ganshu(BL18), Sanyinjiao(SP6),Guanyuan(RN4), Tianshu(ST25), Hegu(LI4), and in control group TrimebutineMaleate Tablets and Bifidobacterium triple viable capsules were given routine to thepatients. The data collected and analysed statistically by One-way ANOVA.Results The pain threshold of the points including Jing-wells, Ying-Spring, Shu-Stream,Jing-River, He-sea, Front-Mu, Lower he-sea, Yuan-Source, Luo-Connecting and Back-shu of Hand Yangming LI meridian decreased significantly in IBS patients than that ofthe healthy group(P<0.05), and that of the Yuan-Source point Hegu, Front-Mu pointsTianshu, Lower he-sea point Shangjuxu, Back-shu point Dachangshu, also significantlydecreseaed(P<0.01) in IBS patients. The pain threshold of the points, including Jing-wells, Ying-Spring, Shu-Stream, Jing-River, He-sea, Front-Mu, Lower he-sea, Yuan-Source, Luo-Connecting and Back-shu points of Hand Taiyang SI meridian wassignificantly decreased(P<0.05), and that of the Luo-Connecting points Zhizheng, LowerHe-sea points Xiajuxu, Back-shu points Xiaochangshu also decreased significantly inIBS(P<0.01).The pain thresholds of Lower he-sea points, including Zusanli of LI meridian, Yanglingquan of GB meridian, Back-shu points Dachangshu and Danshu of GBmeridian were statistically decreased significantly (P<0.05) in IBS group than that inhealthy group. The pain threshold of the points of Back-shu points including Xinshu,Ganshu, Pishu, Sanjiaoshu, Shenshu, Qihaishu, Guanyuanshu, Pangguangshu inGallbladder meridian of the IBS group was decreased significantly(P<0.05)compared tothat in the healthy group. The symptom scores of IBS significantly improved in bothacupuncture and control group after intervention than that before intervention. The painthreshold of the points mentioned above was significantly increased (P<0.05) inacupuncture group after3times treatment, and one month post treatment follow-up it wasobserved that there was significant increase of the pain threshold of the Shangjuxu,Xiajuxu, Dachangshu, Ganshu points(P<0.05, respectively).Conclusion In comparison with healthy group, the pain threshold of relevant points ofLI and SI Meridian of IBS patients was significantly decreased, especially of the Zusanli,Ganshu, Shangjuxu, Xiajuxu, Dachangshu, Xiaochangshu points. It suggested that therelevant points of IBS might change its condition from silent to Irritable and the point beviable and its function changeable, and "meridians before, attending clinics," the classicaltheory be correct. The results of this study may also prove the existence of specificrelationship between visceral organ with its related meridians and acupuncture points,and provide a reliable basis for elucidating the mechanism of acupuncture and improveclinical outcomes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Irritable bowel syndrome, meridian, measure, pain threshold
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