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Neuropsychological Health And Quality Of Life In Growth Hormone Deficient Adults And The Beneficial Effects Of Growth Hormone Treatment

Posted on:2015-06-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330434456220Subject:Internal Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective This article aims at summarizing the health condition ofadult growth hormone deficiency in neuropsychological health, includingsleep quality, cognitive function, mood and quality of life and the effects ofgrowth hormone replacement therapy,hoping to be conductive to thescientific research and clinical work for research workers in this field.Background Data Adult growth hormone deficiency syndrome(AGHD) is a group of rare clinical syndrome,its etiology includinghypothalamus and pituitary tumor, brain surgery,pituitary ischemia, emptysella syndrome。AGHD seriously affects the health of patients,researchsuggests that growth hormone replacement therapy can significantlyimprove the health status of AGHD patients and quality of life.Methods Review literatures, summarize neuropsychological healthand quality of life in patients with AGHD and the effect of GH replacementtherapy.Results Sleep disorders in AGHD patients from pituitary origin have more NREM sleep,less REM sleep and impaired sleep efficiency。GH/insulin like growth factor I (Insulin like growth factor-1, IGF-1) axis isassociated with cognitive function。AGHD patients have impaired cognitivefunction,including selective attention and memory impairment,mentaldecline,P300test shows prolonged P300latency。Emotional state isassociated with the effect of GH binding sites in the brain and GHregulation of dopamine metabolism,AGHD patients often suffer fromatypical depression。 AGHD patients have impaired health、 workability、social activity ability and physical function,which leads to reducedquality of life. GH replacement therapy can improve cognitive function、emotional disorder and quality of life in patients with AGHD, GHreplacement therapy does not aggravate obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,but the affect of GH in sleep disorders is unclear.Conclusion AGHD patients suffer from sleep disorders,impairedcognitive function、emotional disorder and quality of life,AGHD patientswill benefit from GH replacement therapy,but the affect of GH in sleepdisorders is unclear.
Keywords/Search Tags:Adult growth hormone deficiency, Neuropsychological health, Quality of life, Growth hormone replacement treatment
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