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The Sudden Death Of Nervous System Diseases

Posted on:2015-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Diseases of the nervous system is one of the cause of sudden death.Currently, researches reported many more common neurological diseasescan appear sudden death, such as sudden death after ischemic stroke,epilepsy, sudden death of spontaneous rupture of aneurysm, nervoussystem infectious diseases, acute (chronic) hydrocephalus, nervous systemdemyelinating disease, degenerative diseases of the nervous system,movement disorders of the nervous system, neuromuscular disease andintracranial tumor. Subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracranial hemorrhage andafter ischemic stroke induced myocardial infarction, left ventriculardysfunction or arrhythmia is now recognized as a cause of sudden death.Bain degenerative diseases and synucleinopathies may affect the autonomicnervous system central control area or peripheral neuropathy, caused by theplant nerve function disorder of chronic leading cardiac dysfunction,nexpected sudden cardiac arrest, may also bemedullary respiratory centerdamage, sleep apnea, the sudden death of acutehypoxia. Someneuromuscular diseases may be result in sudden death with the cardiacconduction or cardiomyopathy. When the intracranial pressure andventricular dilation compress the medulla oblongata vital center, chronichydrocephalus and intracranial tumor can cause sudden death.
Keywords/Search Tags:sudden death, sudden unexplained death, Dysfunctionof the autonomic nervous system, sleep apnea, intracranial pressureincreased
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