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Experimental Study On The Treatment Of Lung Cough Cough Plaster

Posted on:2015-05-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330431982120Subject:Chinese medical science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: concentrated ammonia induced cough Law, Law and phenol redexcretion ELISA st udies cough plaster on C57tumor-bearing mice coughcough during the incubation period, the amount of change in respiratorysputum and serum i nterleukin-6(IL-6), etc. related factors, to understandthe role of the e fficacy of cough and plaster.Methods: The experiment was divided into three groups, namely, coughplaster into the experimenta l group, Kangqi Ping asthma cough pastetumor-bearing mice in the control group and the control group. Each mous ein the left armpit0.2ml subcutaneous inoculation of tumor homogenates.The success of the first two days after inoculation Plaster began dailytopical admi nistration of1,4h/only, continuous admini stration. Mousebody wei ght meas ured every three days. Da y8seconds as measureda mmo nia induced c ough cough cough incubation period a nd the number of2min; firs t15days of phenol red excretion experiment mea sured OD values;enucleation after blood enzyme-linked immunos orbent assay (Elisa method)measured serum After the end of the experiment the animals were killed bycervical dislocation, weighe d weight of mice, stripping out the tumor,weighed a nd calculated inhibition rate; in IL-6content.Results:(1) cough plaster group and kangqi ping asthma cough pastecontrols cough incubation period in mice, the cough frequency diffe rencebetween the control group within2min significant, P <0.05; cough plastergroup and kangqipi ng asthma cough pa ste the control group of mice phenolwith the blank group differences on the red excretion significantly, P <0.05;cough pla ster group and the c ontrol group kangqi ping asthma cough postedin body weight of mice, tumor weight, the inhibition rate with the c ontrolgroup was not significant, P>0.05 (2) Elisa enzyme-linked i mmunosorbent assay, the blank group, I L-6expression in standard differences are not significant, P>0.05; coughplaster group and kangqiping asthma c ough paste the control group, IL-6expression was blank group di fferences in significant, P <0.05; plastergroup Ka ngqi Ping cough cough asthma c ontrol stick in the expression ofIL-6were significantly different, P <0.05.Conclusion: This st udy found that cough plaster can prolong lung coughincubation period, reducing the numb er of coughs within2min, i mprove dmouse trachea phenol red excretion, cough and phlegm significant role inreducing serum IL-6expression, and thus prove plaster of lung c ancercough cough cough. Chines e medicine for the treatment of lung cancercough plaster, absorbed through the skin permeability of the drug, avoidingthe first pass effe ct of the liver, reducing the side effects of, goodfoundation for the s ubsequent treatment of patients, reduce patient pain andprolong the survival time of patients, improve quality of life...
Keywords/Search Tags:cough cough plaster, lung cancer, IL-6
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