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The Study Of Pigmentation Caused By Bee Acupuncture

Posted on:2015-05-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330431977416Subject:Traditional Chinese medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
BackgroundBee acupuncture therapy in the long history of Chinese medicine development, belonging to the ancient treasures of medicine. Modern medicine will treat it as a regular means to solve many intractable diseases, showing a magical effect. In modern medicine, it seems, is a bee acupuncture needles, medicine, moxibustion three role as one of the treatments. Although acupuncture is that many bee diseases have irreplaceable preferred method of treatment, but there are many bee acupuncture adverse reactions, especially allergic reactions, allergic reactions greatly limit the promotion of bee needle therapy, the study bee pin occurrence of adverse reactions therapy is of great significance Linchuan. This study is one of bee needle therapy for adverse events-hyperpigmentation, make the relevant discussion.ObjectiveThrough this project after bee acupuncture clinical observation and research led to the occurrence of pigmentation law, summed bee acupuncture treatment and pigmentation occurrence, take a different approach for different acupuncture patients when clinical acupuncture bee, bee amount, location provide the basis to prevent the occurrence of pigmentation and other adverse reactions, clinically meaningful, thereby enhancing clinical adverse reactions Fengliao workers understanding of the law, be targeted, indicating occurrence of adverse reactions to the patient through a needle before the bee, so that patients have a clear understanding of adverse reactions, mentally prepared, and thus more conducive to the promotion of bee needle therapy applications.MethodsAccording to the diagnosis, inclusion, participants exclusion criteria included120patients were randomly divided into groups and piercing prick group, the group using the prick-prick method, piercing the skin when Sting, Sting quickly from the skin with tweezers unplugged, or piercing the skin such as Sting immediately after the poison sac squeeze flat and then pull out, venom from the poison sac into the body by Sting; piercing group with piercing method, the needle, the needle for10minutes. The new needle acupuncture as an observation point, every other day, until the number of observation points pigmentation so far observed and recorded the appearance of pigmentation produced, appeared calm spot diameter; final score for the subjects to do the physical test. Statistical analysis using SPSS19.0was OK.ResuIts1. pigment occurring after bee pin is a common side effect of calm, as long as the number of treatment up to a certain extent, this position will produce pigmentation, the probability of occurrence is100%;2. piercing the group continued Sting2.20±0.84times that of1to3times, the group continued to prick Sting3.80±1.22times, or2to5times, will produce pigmentation;3. With increasing age, the number of pigmentation required to produce the less, the greater the diameter of the area;4. After the bee pin pigmentation treatment increases the number was gradually increased5. prick method on the control of pigmentation method produces significantly better than piercing;6. single physical constitution patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and most are composite constitution; complex has two physical constitution of the composite majority, yang blood stasis is the largest of the two composite constitution, representing42.27%;7. rheumatoid patients QDBS quality, Yang blood stasis, phlegm yang, yin pigment quality heat generated by the four physical composure still need to continue to study.Conclusion1. Pigment bee acupuncture adverse reactions caused by hyperpigmentation is ubiquitous, but everyone from mild to severe, vary, if there is calm location, no longer continue to use bee acupuncture treatment, pigmentation will gradually disappear.2. Prick group, more times than piercing pigmentation resulting group, and produce calm is bigger than the diameter and surface piercing group, indicating prick group not prone to pigmentation.3. Rheumatoid arthritis patients physique is more complex, multi-composite physical presence.4. Rheumatoid arthritis patients of different physical, pigment production composure slightly different diameter and area, which you can then explore the relationship between physical fitness and pigmentation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bee acupuncture, pigmentation, study
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