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Studies On The Group Of Schistosomiasis Medical Staff In The Fifties And Sixties Of The Twentieth Century

Posted on:2015-11-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330431496701Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a local widely speaded infectious epidemic disease, schistosomiasis ispopular for a long time in Jiangxi province, which caused serious damages to people’shealth and obstruction of agricultural production. In the early years of the new station,under the leadership of the CCP and the government set off a huge movement called"send away the god of plague". Under the leadership of the central government,thecentral schistosomiasis leading group of nine people was first established, so do theprovince’s schistosomiasis leading group of five people.And under the organization ofthe province’s schistosomiasis leading group of five people, each county alsoestablished the schistosomiasi leading group. At this point, a huge schistosomiasisdefense and control network system from central to local had been truly set up. Withthe defense and control network gradually improved, professional construction of theschistosomiasis prevention and control teams has become the top priority, and theyformed a special group–Group of the Schistosomiasis. In special groups of the totalnumber from dozens, hundreds to thousands, which included the party’s outstandingcadres, medical staff from various departments of the medical system, students frommedical colleges and universities, and a few mass with schistosomiasis training, theycame from different places,different careers,different ages,different culturallevels.They could work together just because of a common purpose—the eliminationof schistosomiasis. In order to achieve this goal, they were always busy with fightingin the first front line of schistosomiasis defense days and nights, from schistosomiasisepidemic investigations, to the careful treatments of schistosomiasis patations,to thepropaganda of schistosomiasis knowledge, again to the scientific researchs ofschistosomiasis, and finally to participate in the snail controling and the work ofmanaging feces and water.We could say that without the hard work of theschistosomiasis group, there would be no eradication of schistosomiasis.Therefore, inthe war of no gunpowder smoke, they were the warriors of fighting the god of plague,the pillar of schistosomiasis prevention and control system, the propagandists of thescientific schistosomiasis knowledge and methods of prevention and controling, thepeople who gave the patients survival hopes,helt the wounded and rescued the dyingand epidemic situation controllors.This paper takes the schistosomiasis group as the research object which causes less attention in historians, trying a more in-depth discussion in the schistosomiasismovement of the fifties and sixties of the last century in JiangXi through thecombination of social history and political history research perspectives. This is notonly beneficial for advancing our country’s history research of the disease deeply, alsogood for providing some references and enlightenments in present and the futurewhen we are participating in the epidemic prevention.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jiangxi Province, the Fifties and Sixties, Schistosomiasis, Group of theSchistosomiasis
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