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The Learning Of Autophagy In Chronically Stressed Rats Are Affected By Adjusting Liver Treatment Principle

Posted on:2015-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330431480061Subject:Basic Theory of TCM
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Ob i ect i ve:In recent years, with the changes in the social living environment, people have gotten more stresses、their pace of work have become much fa ster and they will under various pressure exacerbated. Many social and p sychological factor induce the biochemical functions of the body abnorma1and then emotional disease increasing. Therefore, emotional disease ha s become a threat to people’s health. In China, the incidence of depress ion close to10%, that is higher than the world average. In addition, pa tients with anxiety disorders, also in a large number, it can be seen pa thogenic emotions has become a worldwide issue.For the past few years, autophagy in the field of cell biology has b ecome research focus. As a self-protection mechanism of cell survival, i n many physiological processes autophagy plays an important role, such a s the degradation of abnormally folded proteins, eliminating damaged and senescent organelles. Excessive or disordered autophagic induce cells i njury and programmed cell death. It cause cancer, neurodegenerative dise ases, cardiovascular diseases, microbial infections, aging and other dis orders of cell proliferation and apoptosis.From chronic psychological research should be found that autophagy a nd chronic psychological stress are closely linked. Chronic psychologica1stress can activate autophagy, while autophagy is an important manifes tations of chronic psychological stress. The mechanism of autophagy is n ot very clear, so the study of autophagy, especially from the direction of Western and traditional Chinese medicine study autophagy in the patho genesis of chronic psychological stress, not only enrich the theory of I ntegrative Medicine, but also get a great significance from the preventi on and treatment of emotional diseases.In this study, based on the characteristics of autophagy as well as the theory of traditional Chinese medicine----"Liver governs dreging fu nction", then putting forward the following hypothesis is that:"Autoph agy is the function of’Liver Shuxie’which embodied in the cellular lev el. Liver dredge less, show normal levels of autophagy inhibition; liver catharsis too much, manifest excessive activation of autophagy"Method:Eight-week-old SD rats were established rat model of chronic psychol ogical stress. The use of multi-phase chronic stress (shock, clip tail, fasting, bondage, water deprivation, ice swimming) stimulate in rats, so that copy rat model of chronic psychological stress. The ability of the rats with chronic psychological stress were observed by using space exp loration and learning and memory ability and anxious state, which are in tervened by regulating the liver. Besides, blood biochemical parameters and cellular autophagy’s relevant indicators of the rats with chronic p sychological stress were examined, which are also treated by Tiaogan the rapies.Result:1、The therapy of Tiaogan affect the rats with chronic psychological str ess in space exploration and learning and memory ability and Anxiety.1.1WeightNo difference in body weight of the rats before the experiment (P>0.05), during the experiment, the weight all have varying degrees of growt h. Modeling30days, the blank group gained an average growth of109.4g, stress group gained an average growth44.5g, stress with the treatment of Xiaoyaosan group gained an average growth34.7g, stress with the trea tment of self herbal mixes low dose group gained an average growth41.9g, stress with the treatment of self herbal mixes high dose group gained a n average increase of52.8g. Blank group rats weight fastest growing, wh ile weight gain in rats with chronic psychological stress model is relat ively slow. The stress with the treatment of Xiaoyaosan was slowest grow ing weight, and stress with the treatment of self herbal mixes high dose group weight gain relative to other stress group grew faster. After sta tistical analysis, compared to modeling the weight of each group and the control group of rats, stress group, stress with the treatment of self herbal mixes low dose group, stress with the treatment of Xiaoyaosan gro up, stress with the treatment of self herbal mixes high dose group and t he control group were significantly different (P<0.01). Compared with t he stress group, the control group, stress with the treatment of Xiaoyao san group、stress with the treatment of self herbal mixes low dose group and stress with the treatment of self herbal mixes high dose group did n ot differ (P>0.05).1.2Result of the open-field testBefore the open field test, exercises of rats from each group did no t have totally difference (P>0.05). After modeling, the movement of rat s compared with the control group, stress group, the treatment of self h erbal mixes low dose group and the control group were significantly diff erent (P<0.01). Stress with the treatment of Xiaoyaosan group、stress wi th the treatment of self herbal mixes high dose group and the control gr oup did not differ (P>0.05). Compared with the stress group, the contro1group and stress with the treatment of self herbal mixes high dose gro up were obviously different (P<0.01). Comparison, there were difference s in the stress group and stress with the treatment of Xiaoyaosan grou p (P<0.05), while stress with the treatment of self herbal mixes low dos e group did not differ (P>0.05). The central region of rat have no obvi ous regularity, and the sample differ apparently, the discrete degree i s big. Therefore, we should choose rank-sum test instead of using the si ngle factor analysis of variance. However, considering consistency, stil1use single-factor analysis of variance, that would be easy to compare. Comparison with the mean, before the experiment, the total movement in central of control group was the shortest distance, and stress group mov ement was the largest in central area, but there is no difference in ove rall comparison (P>0.05). After the modeling, stress group differ with the control group (P<0.01), but compared with other groups did not diff er (P>0.05).1.3Spatial learning and memory testDuring the experiment, the rats shorten the escape latency continual ly.1st day after modeling, the average latency of rats in each group di d not difference (P>0.05). Second day after modeling, compared with the control group, stress group differ from the control group (P<0.05).Stre ss with the treatment of self herbal mixes low dose group and the contro1group of rats were significantly different stress (P<0.01). Third day after modeling, compared with the control group, stressed group and str ess with the treatment of self herbal mixes low dose groupand the contro1group of rats were significantly different (P<0.01). While, compared with the stress group, the control group and stress with the treatment o f Xiaoyaosan group were significantly different from stressed rats (P<0.01). Forth day after modeling, compared with the control group, the cont rol group of rats and stress group were significantly different (P<0.01). Stress with the treatment of self herbal mixes high dose group and th e control group of rats are differences (P<0.05). In addition, compared with the stress group, the control group、stress group、stress with the treatment of Xiaoyaosan group、stress with the treatment of self herbal mixes low dose groupwere significantly different from stressed rats(P<0.01). Fifth day after modeling, compared with the control group, rats of the control group and stress group were differences (P<0.05). Moreover, compared with the stress group, stress with the treatment of Xiaoyaosan groupwere significantly different with the stress group (P<0.01). Sixt h day after modeling, we conducted space exploration experiments and mea sured the time How long the rats stayed in the platform quadrant. Compar ed with the control group of rats, the stress group and the control grou p of rats were significantly different (P<0.01), the other group with t he control group did not differ. Compared with the stress group, the con trol group、with drug group were significantly different from stress gro up(P<0.01). Number of the rats through the platform within120seconds, compared with the control group, stressed group and stress with the tre atment of self herbal mixes high dose group were differences (P<0.05). Compared with stress with the treatment of Xiaoyaosan group, stress with the treatment of self herbal mixes high dose group and stress group were differences (P<0.05).2、The treatment of Tiaogan impact the autophagy which is in hippocampal CA1area of the stressful rats.After the experiment building, With electron microscope, the number of autophagic from hippocampal CA1area of blank group were significantl y different with stress group (P<0.01). The number of autophagosome fro m stress group were significantly more than the control group. There wer e difference between the control group、stress with the treatment of Xia oyaosan group, stress with the treatment of self herbal mixes low dose g roup and stress with the treatment of self herbal mixes high dose group. Compared with the stress group, the control group, stress with the trea tment of self herbal mixes low dose group and stress with the treatment of self herbal mixes high dose group there are significant differences (P<0.01).3、The cure of Tiaogan impress autophagy-related indicators of the stres sful rats.3.1the TSC2of positive expression rate in chronic psychological stress ratsTSC2expression in liver cells, the positive expression rate of of the minimum is the control group rats, and the positive expression rate of s tress group rats there are significant difference (P<0.01). Compared wi th stress group, other groups’TSC2positive expression rate of liver cel ls have significant difference (P<0.01). The expression of nerve cells in the hippocampus CA1area of TSC2, the positive expression rate of the minimum in stress with the treatment of Xiaoyaosan group, the positive ex pression rate of rats in the control group and stress group have signific ant difference (P<0.01). Compared with stress group, other groups of ne rve cells in the hippocampus CA1area in the positive expression rate of TSC2have significant difference (P<0.01).3.2the ULK1of positive expression rate in chronic psychological stress ratsULK1expression in liver cells, the positive expression rate of of th e minimum is the control group rats, and the positive expression rate of stress group rats there are significant difference (P<0.01). Compared w ith stress group, other groups’ULK1positive expression rate of liver ce lls have significant difference (P<0.01). The expression of nerve cells in the hippocampus CA1area of ULK1, the positive expression rate of the minimum in stress with the treatment of Xiaoyaosan group, the positive e xpression rate of rats in the control group and stress group have signifi cant difference (P<0.01), there are differences between the control gro up and the treatment of Xiaoyaosan group (P<0.05). Compared with stress group, there are differences between stress with the treatment of self h erbal mixes low dose group and the treatment of self herbal mixes high do se group of the positive expression rate of ULK1the nerve cells in the h ippocampus CA1area (P<0.05).Conelusion:1、The therapy of Tiaogan affect the rats with chronic psychological str ess in space exploration and learning and memory ability and Anxiety.1.1WeightIt explains that chronic psychological stress can affect weight gain normally in rats, and lead to weight loss in rats, resulting abnormal g rowth and development of rats. Stress with the treatment of Xiaoyaosan a nd self herbal mixes can not increase body weight in rats, nor significa ntly improved chronic psychological stress in rats during growth and dev elopment suffered damage. Moreover, the rats of stress with the treatmen t of Xiaoyaosan group inhibited weight gain more obviously.1.2Result of the open-field testTherefore, chronic stress can lead rat to reduce excitability and th e produce anxiety. This reduced excitability and generated anxiety is pa rtially reversible. The treatment of Xiaoyaosanand the treatment of self herbal mixes can increase appropriately the excitability of chronic psy chological stress in rats. Moreover, the affect of modified X iaoyaosan and self herbal mixes low dose were better. 1.3Spatial learning and memory testThus, chronic stress can damage the ability of spatial learning and memory in rats. so this damage of learning and memory ability is reversi ble. Modified Xiaoyaosan and self herbal mixes can restore the rats with abnormal learning and memory ability because of the chronic psychologic al stress. Furthermore, the effect of modified Xiaoyaosan and self herba1mixes low dose were the best.2、The treatment of Tiaogan impact the autophagy which is in hippocampal CA1area of the stressful rats.Besides, there are differences in stress with the treatment of Xiaoy aosan group. It was found that chronic psychological stress can excessiv ely activate the neuronal cellular autophagy from hippocampus CA1area, and the autophagy caused such damage is reversible. Modified Xiaoyaosan and self herbal mixes can suppress excessive autophagy which is caused b y chronic psychological stress. In addition, the effect of self herbal m ixes is better than modified Xiaoyaosan, and treatment of self herbal mi xes low dose is the best.3、The cure of Tiaogan impress autophagy-related indicators of the stres sful rats.3.1TSC2Chronic psychological stress can lead to activation of autophagy in t he liver cells and the excessive hippocampal CA1area of nerve cells. Th e Xiaoyaosan powder and self herbal mixes dose through inhibit the expres sion of TSC2to hold the autophagy activation, which can make maintain the body’s internal environment stable in steady state,.3.2ULK1Chronic psychological stress can excessive activation autophagy in li ver cells and hippocampus CA1area neurons. The Xiaoyao powder can obviou sly inhibit the ULK1expression in liver cells, but the effect is not obv ious in the inhibition activities of ULK1in hippocampus CA1area neurons.While the self herbal mixes dose can inhibit the expression of ULK1als o inhibit rat liver cells and hippocampus CA1area neurons of excessive a utophagy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chronically stressed, autophagy, Xiaoyaosan, self herbalmixes high dose
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