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Effects Of The Different Cultivation Methods And Density On Yield And Quality Of Potato

Posted on:2017-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L X WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2283330488483464Subject:Crop Cultivation and Farming System
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this research field in the arid region of middle Ningxia conditions, this field test was using Qingshu No.9 as material, from potatos photosynthetic characteristics at different stages of agronomic traits, yield and quality, etc. Discusses the high ridging coated membrane plant (T1), ridging in laminating film side planting (T2), full mulching with double ridges (T3), parallel lines (T4), with double ridges on bared ground (CK) a total of five cultivation modes and five different planting densities on grain yield and quality of potatoes. Central part of the research results of Ningxia drought with similar and biome potato of high quality, high yield and water saving, high efficient cultivation of theory and practice basis has certain reference value. The primary results and conclusions are as follows:1. Cultivating to from sowing to seedling stage of potato bud growth, can use seedling stage 5d-6 d in advance, and no decisive influence on final germination rate of high and low.2. Cultivating promote potato days to plant height, stem diameter, crown breadth, leaf area index of agronomic traits such as growth; After rainfall or irrigation, as a result of the potato growth rate is accelerated, the leaf chlorophyll content has a certain decline, resulting the phenomenon of the potato leaves chlorophyll content in a decline, but photosynthetic rate of different processing still have improve effect.3. At 197.5m3/666.7m2 for irrigation condition, processing T2 yield up to 59411.71kg/hm2, compared with CK, the yield increased by 7.40%, increase the income of 116.23yuan/666.7m2, achieved the purpose of increasing efficiency.4. Different treatment, the reducing sugar content is higher, T3 starch, protein and Vc content is low, so that the processing quality is poorer; Processing T2 low reducing sugar’content, starch, protein and Vc content is higher, so the processing quality is good, other coated processing processing quality were somewhere in between. Therefore, in the production and processing with the potato, will use the T2 processing way of cultivation can increase production, and can improve the processing quality.5. When planting density of 4400plants/666.7m2, the highest yield of 57948.58kg/hm2, large and medium-sized potato rate and economic yield is higher; It has high protein, starch and Vc content, reducing sugar content is low, the processing quality is relatively good.6. According to different density of potato processing results comprehensive analysis think:in the arid zone of middle ningxia ecological conditions, Planting density was 5195.51plants/666.7m2, potato tuber yield the highest gain, obtain the best high quality and high yield planting density was 4695.49 plants/666.7m2.7. According to the different density in the regression analysis of experimental results, the potato yield under different planting density factors on the yield of the regression equation is:y=-10334+10.84481x1-1483.01483x2+28.56985x3x1:Number of harvest; x2:Potato number per; X3:A single potato weight.The results show that the single potato weight and number of harvest is the main factors influencing the yield increase. Therefore, arid dry land of middle ningxia complement in drip irrigation for high yielding cultivation of potatoes, with increasing planting density and appropriate under the condition of a certain potato number per, maximizing single chips is the most basic way of high-yield cultivation.Comprehensive analysis, in the arid dry land of middle Ningxia complement in under the condition of drip irrigation, water saving, high production and efficiency of the optimal planting specifications as follows:planting density of 4695.49 plants/666.7 m2+ridging in laminating film side planting.
Keywords/Search Tags:potato, cultivation methods, planting density, yield, quality
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