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Study On Desertification Land And Sealingprotection For Lucang Of Guinan County In Qinghai Province

Posted on:2017-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W ZhaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2283330485979471Subject:Theory and Evaluation of Sustainable Forest Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Located in Guinan Muge division beach republican basin is one of the biggest desert area. After years of governance,the prevention and control of desertification in Guinan county has obtained certain achievements.This study from natural conditions, social economic conditions, land resources, labor conditions, seedling supply, infrastructure, technical conditions and so on has carried on the detailed investigation。On the basis of fully analyzed,Further governance and protect the construction scheme is put forward。The main research conclusions are as follows:(1) The results of the survey show that, The study area is 12133.70 hm2 with 20.48% of the total area of Muge division。Types of sand dunes is crescent dune, The sand is mainly the moving sand dune, The area of moving sand dune is 10408.90hm2 with 85.79% of the study’s area. Restricted by hydrothermal conditions, the area’s community structure is simple. Soil types are mainly sand soil. The research of the permanent resident population.(2)The main reason for the sand formation in the study area include natural factors and human activities. Natural factors including geography, climate, vegetation, etc. Plate movement, rivers constantly incised, The falling of underground water level and the increasingly dry climate make gradually intensified desertification process. Excessive land resources in sand of human activity caused desertification area is increasing. Grazing overloading, ruined grass land clearing and dig sand is making the ecological environment destroying, vegetation degradation, coverage to reduce and expand the bare land area, forming a new desertification area.(3)Points out the main problems of sand control process: inadequate input of funds. Lack of money is difficult to implement the serious influence the desert governance effect; Overgrazing damage rate is greater than the speed of governance and the speed of the governance is less than the speed of the damage, that all make originally fragile ecosystems and vegetation of serious damage. That the low of scientific and technological content and comprehensive benefit make the desert control effect is slow.(4)Combined with the actual situation in the study area as well as the existing control measures, put forward a series of measures, the mainly includes the enclosure facilities engineering, sand-fixation sand engineering, management station construction project, monitoring project and equipped with corresponding patrol equipment, etc.(5)That analyze the effect after the implementation of control measures: the further effectively curb desertification and ecological environment is gradually restored; surrounding the production and living conditions improved of the masses, to promote the local farming and animal husbandry industrial structure optimization adjustment, and provide more jobs, and social benefit is remarkable; in processing, transportation, service and other related industries in-depth development, economic benefit is remarkable.
Keywords/Search Tags:LuCang, Desertification of land, Closure of nature reserve, Control measures, Impact assessment
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