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The Model Of Wheat (Triticum Aestivurn L) Vernalization Genes Research And Analysis On Nonlinear

Posted on:2016-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wheat(Triticum aestivum.L) is a kind of food crop and belongs to the genus of gramineae, that it must be treated on a period of low temperature to promote flower bud formation and develop the floral organs in growth process. This process is named as vernalization. Wheat are widely grown all over the world,and its yield is closely related to vernalization, so the vernalization of wheat has been a hot issue in research.Wheat vernalization is a complex interaction of physiological processes which contains polygenic and factors. Vernalization mechanism of interaction is mainly explore the individual genes and factors at present reserch, to establish a regulatory networks which based on the experimental to analyze vernalization mechanism. Correlation effects of various factors on genetic regulatory networks is not a simple addition in the vernalization process, so could not use linear analysis method to study. In this paper need to establish a non-linear model analysis reflect the impact of dynamic changes in the network of each factor on wheat growth.By using the nonlinear dynamics model to study biological phenomena has been extended in many biological fields, such as the Logistic model to study the regularity of population growth; P53-Mdm2 model to study the relationship between P53 signaling pathway and tumor etc.. By analysing the interaction of two major vernalization genes VRN1 and VRN2, that found the two gene interaction model feedback loop with the P53-Mdm2 regulation model and Hesl model is very similar, and based on such models to combine the nonlinear model formula variable expression analysis methods and wheat vernalization experimental data and phenomena to establish nonlinear model of vernalization genes.By using Matlab 2013a to simulate the result of model lastly.The simulation results show that the model could convey the changes and trends of expression of VRN1 (VERNALIZATION 1) and VKN2(VERNALIZATION2) in vernalization process, and the interaction model and the experimental results consistent regulation of two genes during vernalization. We also found that both production rate and degradation rate have significant impact on VRN1 and VRN2. To add some interference on the degradation rate of VRN1 will result in a greater impact, that if VRN1 degradation rate is increased that would affect the expression of VRN1 and flowering after vernalization. Generation rate of VRN2 will not have impact on the stablity of model, it shows that VRN2 has been significantly reduced in final stage of vernalization. However, the degradation rate of VRN2 is critical to the stability of the system. It largely affects the expression of VRN1-VKN2. By increasing the degradation rate VRN2 could decrease the degradation time of VRN2 and the expression of VRN1 could as soon as possible to meet the conditions to promote flowering, which for high-quality wheat to the warmer northern Introduced work is meaningful.In the evaluation of the stability of gene, mRNA, protein is generally focus on the value of degradation rate. To regulate the value of generation rate and degradation rate of VBN1-VKN2 in this study,that the changing graphics proved both generation rate and degradation rate have impact on vernalization which illustrate the generation rate is an important indicator in evaluate the stability of genes, mRNA and proteins.Dynamic model for the theoretical of vernalization mechanism research provides a reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:wheat (Triticum aestivurn L), vernalization, VRN1-VRN2, nonlinear equations
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