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Research On The Effect Of Different Storage Methods On The Qualities Of Jun Jujube Dried Dates During Storage

Posted on:2015-09-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2283330467974208Subject:Food Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, using the Aksu Jun jujube dried dates as experimental material, studying the influenceunder the different temperature, different moisture content, different gas composition on Jun jujube drieddates during storage respectively. Through measuring and analyzing the quality and physiological indexesof Jun jujube dried dates, screening the best method of storage, measuring the cyclic adenosinemonophosphate (cAMP) and aroma components of Jun jujube dried dates under the best method of storage.The paper discussed that the different temperature, different moisture content and different gas compositionhave an effect Jun jujube dried dates on the change of moisture content, ethylene production, respirationrate, vitamin C (Vc) content, total sugar content, total acid content, and on which insect rate during storage.The result showed that:1. Different water contents have an effect on the quality of Jun jujube dried dates during storage period.The results showed that water content is23%, could decrease the ethylene peak and the respiratory intensity,moisture content decreased slowly, nutrients as sugar and acid was decreased slightly, insect rate was lower,which maintain the higher quality of Jun jujube dried dates.2. Different temperature have an effect on the quality of Jun jujube dried dates during storage period.To some extent, as compared with the room temperature treatment, the low temperature (5℃) can restrainthe ethylene release and respiratory intensity of Jun jujube dried dates, that could make the Vc content andtotal acid content decreased slower, moisture content lost slower, total sugar content increased slightly, andinsect rate was lower, Which could make Jun jujube dried dates maintain the higher quality.3. The study that different gas composition influence the quality of Jun jujube dried dates showed thatunder the NO treatment makes the ethylene of Jun jujube dried dates production smaller, respiration ratelower, moisture content and Vc content decreased slowly, but the total sugar content increase higher, totalacid content decreased slower, insect rate is smaller, so which delay the physiological metabolic activity,prolong the storage period of Jun jujube dried dates. 4. For moisture content of23%, low temperature (5℃), and NO treatment Jun jujube dried datesmeasuring cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) content and aroma components. The result showedthat(:1)It was to determine cAMP by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), before the storage,measured higher cAMP content in Jun jujube dried dates, could be achieved350μg/g or more. As theextension of storage period, Jun jujube dried dates cAMP content reduce, which cAMP content of under theNO treatment decreased slower, maintained the cAMP of Jun jujube dried dates higher.(2)Using thesolid-phase micro-extraction and GC-MS spectrometry determined the aroma components of Jun jujubedried dates, that dominant aroma components were acids, esters, alcohols, alkenes. Storage at30d,47kindsof compounds were detected at3treatments, in which owned by all six compounds were spiro[2.4]heptane,trans-2-ethyl-2-hexene-1-ol, ethyl palmitate,9-(o-propyl-phenyl)-methyl ester, nonanoic acid,2,6-di-tert-butyl methyl phenol; which were main aromatic substances in Jun jujube dried dates. Duringstorage, aroma components lost larger. Storage at360day, three treatments measured only9kinds ofmatters.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jun jujube dried dates, temperature, moisture content, gas composition, cyclic adenosinemonophosphate (cAMP), aroma components, storage quality
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