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Comparative Reseaerch Of Microvascular Permeability In Distinct Nerve Structures Of Rabbit

Posted on:2015-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2283330434460267Subject:Basic veterinary science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Blood neuronal barrier (BNB) was accounted in the past as capillary barrier inendoneurium and was similar with blood brain barrier (BBB) in vascular permeability andultrastructure, etc. Some studies, however, now show that there is distinct difference inphysiological action of microvessels between BBB and BNB, namely capillary ionpermeability of BBB is lower than BNB’s. Therefore rabbit was used as laboratory animal inthe study and cerebral cortex, superior cervical ganglion, cervicothoracic ganglion, superiormesenteric ganglion, nodose ganglion and dorsal root ganglion were used as test samples.Tight junction, ultrastructural and permeability characteristics in distinct nerve structures ofrabbit were determined by immunohistochemistry, transmission electron microscopy andultraviolet and visible spectrophotometer though morphology, ultrastructure and chemicalreaction, respectively. The results are below.1)Results of immunohistochemical SP method: Expression content of Occludin incerebral cortex of rabbit was remarkably higher than paravertebral ganglion’s (superiorcervical ganglion and cervicothoracic ganglion)(P<0.05) and was, nevertheless, extremely higher than that of subvertebral ganglion (superior mesenteric ganglion) and sensory ganglion (nodose ganglion and dorsal root ganglion)(P<0.01). In peripheral nervous system, the expression content of Occludin in subvertebral ganglion was extremelylower than that of paravertebral ganglion (P<0.01) and extremely higher, however, than that of sensory ganglion (P<0.01). Expression content of Occludin in paravertebralganglion was extremely higher than that of sensory ganglion (P<0.01). besides, therewas no significant difference compared superior cervical ganglion with cervicothoracicganglion in the expression content of Occludin (P>0.05), and as also to compared nodose ganglion with dorsal root ganglion.2) Results of transmission electron microscopy: cerebral cortex, superior cervicalganglion, cervicothoracic ganglion and superior mesenteric ganglion of rabbit were merelysuccessional capillary network, but there were successional type and aperture type in capillaryendothelial cells of nodose ganglion and dorsal root ganglion. Besides, there were variousamounts of pinocytosis vesicles in the luminal and basal surface of capillary endothelial cellmembrane in distinct nerve structures, in ascending order of number of pinocytosis vesicles they are: cerebral cortex, paravertebral ganglion, subvertebral ganglion and sensory ganglion,and there were significant differences in quantities of pinocytosis vesicles among variousnerve structures (P<0.05or P<0.01). However, regarding the number of pinocytosisvesicles there were no significant differences between superior cervical ganglion alsobelonging to paravertebral ganglia and cervicothoracic ganglion and between nodose ganglionalso belonging to sensory ganglia and dorsal root ganglion (P>0.05).3) Results of intensity determination of fluorescence EBA: In ascending order ofmicrovascular osmotic concentration of EBA in various nerve structures of rabbit afterinjecting EBA normally, they were cerebral cortex, paravertebral ganglion, subvertebralganglion and sensory ganglion, and there were extreme differences among distinct nervestructures (P<0.01). However, there were no significant differences in microvascularpermeability of EBA between superior cervical ganglion also belonging to paravertebralganglion and cervicothoracic ganglion and between nodose ganglion also belonging tosensory ganglia and dorsal root ganglion (P>0.05). Capillary permeability of EBA in variousnerve structures after lipopolysaccharide treatment significantly increased, but variation lawof overall concentration did not change.The results show that capillary permeability of blood ganglion barrier (BGB) issignificantly higher than that of central BBB. Nevertheless, in ascending order of capillarypermeability in various ganglia they are: paravertebral ganglion, subvertebral ganglion andsensory ganglion. There are no significant differences between superior cervical ganglion alsobelonging to paravertebral ganglion and cervicothoracic ganglion and between nodoseganglion also belonging to sensory ganglion and dorsal root ganglion. These findings indicatethat paravertebral ganglion possesses the property of blood barrier and subvertebral ganglionas well as sensory ganglion, however, being short of the same function.
Keywords/Search Tags:Occludin, permeability, ganglion, Blood neuronal barrier, rabbit
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