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A Research On Income Distributions Of The Four Southern Prefecture In Xinjiang Based On Regional Comparison

Posted on:2017-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D R M M T M NaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2279330503984054Subject:Labor economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has maintained a high-speed growth in economic and social department, and improved it’s comprehensive strength, in the mean time, the income distribution disparity between north and south Xinjiang are revealed gradually, of which the income gap problem of the four southern prefecture has not only influences the quality of economic development, but also threatens the social stability of Xinjiang.At present, China has entered the countdown stage of national poverty alleviation and overall construction of a well-off society, Xinjiang also customized a comprehensive plan for poverty eradication before the year 2020. But 88% poverty population of Xinjiang is in the four southern prefecture, in which 90% is minority,therefore, this study provide theoretical support for poverty eradication and successfully enter the well-off society before the year 2020 of the four southern prefecture. Co-ordination of Xinjiang regional economic development, reduction of regional income gap not only can bring a happy life for the four southern prefecture,also can reduce the pressure of social stability in Xinjiang. It is a foundation of building a well–off society and the implementation of the Silk Road Economic Belt strategy.This study combines empirical analysis and normative analysis, qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze the income disparity of the four southern prefecture based on the comparison of the four southern prefecture, Xinjiang region and the northern Xinjiang. In Chapter II, analysis the four southern prefecture resident’s income, the income gap between urban and rural,the structure of rural resident’s income and the income of each sector’s. In Chapter III,this paper analyze the income gap between the four southern prefecture, Xinjiang region and the northern Xinjiangon the four dimensions above-mentioned and found that the income gap between the four prefecture and Xinjiang region, the northern Xinjiang are shrinking, but in 2014 it begin to expand. Overall, the income disparity problem of the four southern prefecture is reducing, which benefits from the policy of State and Xinjiang region.The fourth chapter conducted the empirical analysis, in which conducted the principal component analysis and cluster analysis to every prefecture and city in Xinjiang and validated the conclusion of the second and third chapter and found that income distribution in Xinjiang with a strong regional focused features. After exploring the deep causes of formation of the four southern prefecture current situation of income distribution identify the main factors are population growth rate,level of education, economic development, public financial revenue and expenditure,poverty issues, the level of social security especially the unemployment insurance level in which and the level of urbanization.Based on the earlier research,in the fifth chapter,this paper listed the difficulties of increase revenue of four southern prefecture and reference the succeed cases of adjust income disparity and poverty reduction at home and abroad.In sixth chapter,put forward the suggestions for increase income of the four southern prefecture and close the gap between other regions, also provided a theoretical support for reduction of the four southern prefecture and out of poverty.
Keywords/Search Tags:The four southern prefecture, Income gap, Regional comparison
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