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General Design And Hydrodynamic Analysis Of Small Waterline Area Single-Hull USV

Posted on:2017-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L X BuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330503968167Subject:Ships and marine structures, design of manufacturing
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, USV technology has been enhanced by many countries. Usually, at some sensitive or dangerous areas which are not fit for people to go, USVs are considered to be the first choice, and these USVs should possess great hydrodynamic performance and in military, they should better have the stealth performance. USVs will get great stealth performance if they work underwater, but the capacity of communicate will be influenced. Therefore based on the hydrofoil small waterline area ship and its characteristic, this paper designed a small waterline area single-hull USV(SWASH-USV). The USV has smaller upper structure and special shape which made it has the stealth performance. There’s no such kind of USV in our country, the paper not only design the shape of the USV, but also the inner arrangements and the design of institutions of it. And at the same time, the paper finished the hydrodynamic stimulation and analysis of the USV. And the paper did these works below based on this design:General design includes shape design, determination of principle dimension, cabin partition, design and model estabilishment of internals and institutions, checking of flotation state have been finished.Design and selection of hydrofoils at the two sides of the USV have been finished. The paper selected NACA00 xx series and selected NACA0010 as the best hydrofoil based on comparison; Determined the rotation angle of hydrofoil based on the calculation of the distinction of buoyancy of two navigation state; Caculated t he situation of resultant force by formula after the rotation of hydrofoil, and determined the installation site of hydrofoil; At last, the paper calculated the area of rudder blade, and some relative parameter.Based on the comparsion of stimulation data and experiment data of international ship Wigley to vertify the feasibility of Finemarine in stimulating resistance; The paper stimulated the resistance of USV at the speed of 1 to 10 kn at the state of body navigation and foilborne operation, and analyzed resistance state of different speed; By post-process software, the paper gained the navigation state of USV at different speed. The stimulate consequence achieved the design goal,and design of propeller and the selection of engine based on the results of drag calculation.The stimulation and analysis of seaking performance of the USV by Finemarine has been finished. The paper analyzed hydrodynamic response of the USV in body navigation and foilborne operation when it encountered head wave and beam wave at one- level sea state, three- level sea state and in irregular wave. The results showed that the rolling performance of USV in different sea state was great and the pitch as well as heave perfoemance of USV at foilborne operation saw fluctuations, and the paper analyzed the reasons and gave some suggestions of modification.What the paper had done were the works above, and it showed that the design of the small waterline area single- hull USV can reach the design requirements basically, but some problems still existed in seakeeping performance through this design and analysis. And these problems and deficiency can be solved and optimized in the future design. Due to the lack of living example that the characteristic of hydrofoil small waterline area ship be used in the design of USV directly, the paper finished the general design and analysis of relative performances of a small waterline area single-hull USV which was a positive and meaningful try, and had some reference value for the future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:small waterline area single-hull USV(SWASH-USV), Overall design, Finemarine, hydrofoil, hydrodynamic performance
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