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Research Of PID Control For Water Hydraulic System Of CFETR RH Maintenance

Posted on:2017-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M F HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330485954795Subject:Nuclear Science and Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The CFETR (China Fusion Engineering Testing Reactor) as a superconducting tokamak fusion device, during its operation, the Blanket directly to plasma ftision material. Tn additional, due to the vacuum chamber with extreme environmental conditions, such as ultra-high temperature, strong magnetic field and high energy neutron radiation, the performance and life expectancy of the Blanket was seriously affected. So, it is necessary to adopt the way of remote handling for Blanket maintenance.This paper:Research of PID Control for Water Hydraulic System of CFETR RH Maintenance, which is based on function requirements and mechanical structure of manipulator, the vibration characteristic and structural strength were analyzed. Meanwhile, different PID control strategics of hydraulic system are analyzed with experimental verification, the emphasis of this paper are included below:According to the principle of the servo-valve and hydraulic cylinder, the mathematical model of valve-controlled cylinder system is established in Simulink, meanwhile, used different control strategies for set PID control parameters was necessary. First, PID control parameters was designed with Ziegler-Nichols method. Actually, as a linear combination control, Ziegler-Nichols method resulted in long adjustment time and large overshoot. Based on fuzzy self-tuning of PID control method, which can suppressed interference and noise, the control effect was bcttcr than Ziegler-Nichols method. However, the self-learning ability of fuzzy control was poor and fuzzy logic setting was time-consuming. Combined with the advantages and disadvantages of above control strategies, particle swarm optimization algorithm was finally choice Compared with Zicglcr Nichols method and fuzzy self-tuning method, particle swarm optimization algorithm not only had high control precision, but also had the fast convergence speed, which made the cylinder achieved a better control effect. At the end of this paper, the accuracy of the simulation results were verified by hydraulic test platform.
Keywords/Search Tags:CFETR, Blanket maintenance, water hydraulic system, PID Controller, particle swarm optimization algorithm
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