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"Shan Ming·Seven Repair" Application Of Hotel Accessories Design

Posted on:2016-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S BaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Talking about the hotel design Chinese style is as the name suggests is China style hotel, is the embodiment of China five thousand years of culture inheritance and development, whether it is a high-end or ornate elegant simplicity all cannot do without accessories to decorate. For example, the design and accessories China elements containing the choice is particularly important. The accessories design in recent years has gradually aroused widely recognized decoration field, especially in the design of the program’s role is very significant. This paper will mainly research application of accessories in the Chinese style hotel, is the public have a more in-depth understanding of accessories. The hotel belongs to the commercial space, person flow factors with uncertainty. This requires accessories design hotel to be consistent with the space, and to consider the audience on the space feelings. This paper is divided into three chapters to discuss the case, from theory to practical cases are analyzed and sorted system deeply, in the way of case study, the characteristics of Chinese style hotel accessories main characteristic analysis. This paper will serve as a starting point from the concept of Chinese hotels, accessories, from accessories actual functions and artistic characteristics of ", combined with the actual case of Shan Hotel- seven repair" to analyze the role of accessories in the Chinese style hotel.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese style Hotel, Accessories design, Space environment
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