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Regeneration And Development Research Of Xinjiang Uygur Traditional "Arab-wang" Houses

Posted on:2016-12-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M F NanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330476951120Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Currently, traditional "Arab-wang" houses as the main building houses still form the majority Uighur settlements and are widely used in China Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. September and October in 2013, the general secretary Xi Jinping has proposed to build a "Silk Road economic belt" and "21st Century Marine Silk Road" of major initiatives during the visit to the Central Asian and Southeast Asian countries. During the impact of the wave of large-scale development in the west, construction new rural of harmonious society and deepen the reform. Xinjiang as an important way of the ancient Silk Road and core area of the Silk Road economic belt, has entered a critical period in reform and opening up and socialist modernization drive, "the Arab-wang" houses also faced with this important regeneration.As social and economic development, improve the living standards of local residents, "the Arab-wang" houses difficult to meet the needs of modern life, the limitation of awareness of the residents cause many drawbacks of existing residential areas that science and technology need to overcome. Coupled with the economic capacity of residents are limited, if we copy urban housing, not only the residents unbearable, national energy consumption, but also caused a very big impact on the ecological environment in Xinjiang. Houses located in remote areas, its development out of touch with world, if we disregard of it, we are afraid of it becoming an "abnormal" residential patterns, and damage the integrity of house culture in the future. In summary of every aspect of view, the traditional "Arab-wang" houses has its the necessity and possibility of regeneration and development.Firstly, analysis the current situation of the traditional "Arab-wang" houses at the beginning of the article, analysis the evolution of dwellings mechanism and exploring the evolution inherent laws of residential development. Then reveals the nature of the current "Arab-wang" houses that were modern updated, point out the drawbacks that the contrary deficiencies between current houses and living requirements and the impact of both factors stakes reproduction houses. On this basis, study the shape of "Arab-wang" houses, while discuss the climate adaptation and ecology construction technology of houses. The space of single building and settlements not only to meet the residents current living needs, but also to leave room for future development. Put forward the future development mode of "Arab-wang" houses and settlements, will guild the development of residential.Secondly, this article put forward the thesis that "Arab-wang" residential adapt to climate and passive design strategies of the environment. Regeneration and development design in new residential, while design the "Arab-wang" residential, the designer should select the appropriate technology. Such as renewable energy technologies, water-saving technology, environmental protection technology and technology of improve the quality of life elevate functional aspects to optimize the design. So that "Arab-wang" indoor and outdoor environmental design to get a better sound in the limited economic conditions.Finally, the paper explore the issues and take the appropriate measures on the "Arab-wang" residential development of renewable. Optimized the "Arab-wang" residential shape coefficient to improve residential heat of summer. Later, optimize residential ventilation to improve the effectiveness of the doors and windows. At the same time, combine the cover soil buildings and "Arab-wang" houses and propose a new architectural forms--sun-style "Arab-wang" houses. It proves that the green regeneration of "Arab-wang" residential in Xinjiang has broad development prospects, its modern update is also feasible.Through the study above, we can see the importance of regeneration and development research of traditional "Arab-wang" houses. In modern residential green regeneration process, the involvement of architects is very important. To draw attention to Xinjiang traditional "Arab-wang" Houses, we should start from the inherent nature of the evolution and the residents’ basic needs, in conjunction with the climate, topography, culture, economic and social conditions in Xinjiang. Through the organic integration between green regenerative design of function space and appropriate technology of "Arab-wang" residential, we can guide local residents to improve environmental quality and protection the natural ecology correctly. We hope that every architect can focus on Xinjiang, attention to rural, it is our responsibility and mission, and it food for thought for every architect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xinjiang, Uighur, "Arab-wang" houses, regeneration, development
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