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The Alternate Source Water Quality Investigation And Typical Process Experimental Study Of Jin Shan Lake

Posted on:2016-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330476950446Subject:Architecture and Civil Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zhenjiang Jinshanhu as spare water, drinking water can occur when sudden pollution and ensure people’s daily lives uninterrupted water supply. But the reserve water, but because of poor liquidity, organic-rich than conventional water. Preliminary investigation by the experimental analysis of water quality, reserve water bas ically class Ⅲ water body.In this paper, the raw water quality Jinshanhu investigated conventional treatment, sodium hypochlorite(NaC lO), potassium permanganate(KMnO4), powdered activated carbon(PAC) and ozone biological activated carbon(O3-BAC) and the combined process of suspended solids in raw water Jinshanhu the removal of the case, organic and nitrogen and phosphorus and other pollutants to determine emergency plan.In organics full scan experiments, fish medicines and other pollutants is not detected; and Jinshanhu reserve water in the presence of a variety of mainly alcohols, alkanes, ketones, phenols, and polyacene-based material substances and other substances.Take Jinshan lake mud stirring to release pollutants to the raw water turbidity higher bottom mud, the same time the release of organic matter more. Within a certain range, the longer the mixing time, the more the release of organic matter, when the stirring time exceeds 12 h, the release of the basic organic compounds which have reached saturation.Powdered activated carbon adsorption BTEX have a significant role, with water existing equipment and processes, in powdered activated carbon dosage of 30 mg / L when, within 30 minutes, can be adsorbed to the national standard PAC under the maximum dosage toluene concentration of 1.4mg / L, can be adsorbed to the national standard of ethylbenzene concentration of 0.72 mg / L, can be adsorbed to the national standard paraxylene concentration of 1.25 mg / L.When switching alternate water sources, consider using potassium permanganate preoxidation + powder carbon adsorption + coagulation sedimentation + ozone + activated carbon filtration processes. Taking into account the existing equipment in the water, potassium permanganate optimum dosage of 1 mg / L, powdered charcoal optimal dosage of 20-30 mg / L, using PFS coagulant optimum investment dosage is 20 mg / L, the optimal dosage of ozone 1.8 mg / L.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jinshanhu, alternate water sources, pretreatment, BTEX, ozonebiological activated carbon
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