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Guide Design Of Kitchen Supplies With Low Carbon Concept

Posted on:2016-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S T SaiFull Text:PDF
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More consumption led to environment deteriorating, thus producing more remediation product, Human are facing a global resources and environmental crisis, urgent need designers to find new design concepts, so that people maintain the ecological system of nature and balance between request and return. In this paper explored the Guide Design theory in example of Kitchen Supplies. Guide the designers should Concerned about the material products provided service-such as the clean clothes, fresh food, convenient traffic and warm space, through the "content" from guiding behavior and emotional culture to guiding the concept of consciousness. Clearly, design guide is not easy, it is not the traditional rigid guide way, forcing way but subtly influence step by step. It first effect "leading group" that according to their own attitudes, thoughts and emotions to act on internal control group. At different stages, they lead those "external control type group", formation of the value of health concept, consumption habits and life attitude, to lead the social resonance.In view of classification of kitchen supplies new way of cooking process, the designer through the "things" approach to research to study, find and understand the life of people, digging behind the motive, purpose, emotion and value factors, looking for guidance, to respect people’s cognitive behavior and psychological mode, redefine the new concept of happiness of today’s social development, and create a reasonable product, service, or system, develop low carbon responsibility consciousness and the concept of consumption.
Keywords/Search Tags:low carbon, guide design, kitchen supplies, cooking process
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