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Process Improvement Of Wind Variable Propeller Control Strategy Of SSB Company

Posted on:2016-11-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330467497622Subject:Industrial engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, China’s wind power is developing very rapidly, particularly pitchwind turbine electric pitch technology widely used for wind turbine electric pitchsystem of enterprises accumulate valuable data for the safe operation of fan. Chinesewind power industry started relatively late, the wind turbine run is still in adevelopment stage exploration, along with long time operation of the unit, a numberof design problems exposed, the wind turbine manufacturers are constantly improvingand improving.Germany SSB-Antriebstechnik GmbH and Co. KG (referred to "aisibeicompany" or "SSB company") is manufacturing wind variable paddle system ofspecialist, in China wind electric unit variable pulp system in the occupies is big ofshare, has universal and representative meaning, paper on a, wind generator group bywith ACE times company wind variable paddle system battery monitoring and controlstrategy for has analysis, and proposed has related improved optimizationprogramme.First of all, this paper briefly introduces the variable pitch system currentoperating situation of and existing problems. SSB in variable paddle system designconcept in the, usually Dang wind generator group normal downtime Shi, usedexternal Exchange power powered makes wind machine Shun paddle, dang windmachine security chain disconnect Shi, wind machine for into wheels400V power ofcontact device disconnect, led wind machine only used wheels within battery DCsystem for Shun paddle, dang DC system occurred fault Shi, paddle leaves willcannot Shun paddle, wind machine exists occurred speed possibilities, this "open" ofdesign logic not conducive to wind electric unit in Gale season of security stable run.Install SSB fold the paper companies pitch system for a wind turbine pitch systemproblems caused by windmills are described and analyzed, explained ACE double pitch system optimized for the main direction of the company.Secondly, for design of wind power technologies, in particular related to pitchsystem related terms and theory are described, wind variable explains the internallogic of the system, according to problem-based on wind blade changing systemanalyzes the hardware and software, according to SSB to pitch system of the actualsituation, and made battery testing system and optimization of control strategy.Then, based on wind machine security management of considerations, paperthrough process recycling of method, main from hardware transformation and thesoftware program test aspects for optimization, proposed has battery detection systemand control strategy optimization programme, in guarantees variable paddle systemreserve power of based Shang, from hardware transformation and the softwareprogram test aspects for improved, full using wind machine itself DC electric, inreached great wind speed and battery fault of situation Xia, guarantee achievedelectric variable paddle normal action, up to security protection role.Finally, this paper pre-optimization program evaluation, optimization of thecompany mentioned in this programme can be achieved in the non-power is cut off,fan communication under normal conditions, fan master detects safety chaindisconnects, after losing signal issued by the master, no longer turn off pitch the400VAC power supply, maintain the400VAC power supply leading to the wheel hub.Meanwhile, EFC pitch system detected signal, pitch feathering system to use thischannel. If the battery after the failure of the channel feather, the master will issue andlong pulsed signals, making pitch system and then switch back to the feather with a400VAC system. Through the installation of a wind farm in ximeng a fan test provengreatly reduce the risk of speed, improves system stability and fan provides a usefulexploration of safety management.
Keywords/Search Tags:wind power, pitch system, control, optimization
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