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Research And Application Of Bioretention Facilities In The Waterfront Areas Of Notrh China

Posted on:2015-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D C LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330467469535Subject:Construction of Technological Sciences
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of economy, city urbanization, the urban roadsurface hardening (Impervious Cover, IC) ratio increased continuously.Surface vegetation cover rate, rain water can not be surface vegetationinterception infiltration Groundwater Conservation, only the formation ofroad runoff. At the same time, runoff pollution is serious, the surface runoffpollutants including organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals,pathogens, etc.. Therefore all countries in the world have put forward manyflood runoff management measures to reduce and control of large scale runoffand water environment pollution caused by. At present, compared to promotepopular approach is to exclude the small dispersion measures of low impactof storm water runoff, for example by interception and soil infiltration togroundwater runoff conservation, formation and control of large scalestormwater runoff from the source, do check erroneous ideas at the outseteffect. This concept is called the concept development of low impact (LID).The stormwater management measures can be contaminated flood runoff andrunoff on the water resources, degree of harm reduction to a minimum. Whenthe storm intensity is larger when the runoff intensity becomes larger,waterlogging disasters will be formed when the runoff drainage network whenthe maximum load over. City water pollution is mainly non point sourcepollution. Pollution of stormwater runoff in if not treated directly discharged into the river water will cause great pollution, nitrogen and phosphorus runofffactor of pollutants into the river will cause disasters such as red tides andbloom. Bioretention facilities as an effective regulation of city rainwaterrunoff, alleviating flood disaster city and further improve the quality ofrunoff from the biological treatment unit emerge as the times require. Thebioretention cell at present is the best stormwater runoff managementmeasures are recommended at home and abroad. It has a good applicationprospect in the northern waterfront area of our country, how can theapplication of biological effective retention facilities meet the ecohydrological conditions target area has been an important topic of researchscholars at home and abroad.This study from the molecular structure, physical form, shape function,detailed introduces four kinds of common adsorption matrix (volcano rock,zeolite, attapulgite clay, peat soil) as bioretention facilities filler layeranalysis for purifying effect and economic benefit evaluation of runoff waterquality. Summarized the domestic and foreign research methods forbioretention facilities and conditions, to adapt to Ji’an city waterfront area innorthern China bioretention facilities were improved. To determine theoptimum ratio of filler filler layer through the static experiment of soilcolumn. Discussed the single filler layer facilities, training facilities and plantmicrobial inoculation after complete bioretention facilities of runoff water quality improvement contribution. The pollutants removal mechanism werediscussed. Experiments on the matrix filler filler, mixed with constant headpermeability measurement method. Design of installations filler layer, followthe improvement of water quality conditions and runoff in the filler retentiontime balance principle.The goal for the Ji’an city bioretention facilities after the design iscompleted to do a number of simulated rainfall experiment, although designedbioretention facilities are not can be applied to the field, but the experimentalresults proved that the model bioretention facilities can meet the developmentconditions of Ji’an City, in the cut stormwater runoff and also greatly toimprove the water quality of runoff rainwater. Facilities with certainlandscape benefits, in solving a series of water environmental problemscaused by rainwater also can beautify the environment, the realization of thegoal of development of ecological protection and city planning a combination.
Keywords/Search Tags:bioretention facilities, matrix filler, mixing, design, LID
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