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Design And Implementation Of 120W LED Lighting Driver

Posted on:2016-06-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H YeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330464963163Subject:Electrical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With global energy consumption of the situation becomes tense, energy will be a concern hotspot.From the original incandescent lamp to today’s LED, with the awareness of efficiencyof high energy becomes to enhance,LED lamps are highly efficient, safety, environmental protection,energy saving and longevity, and so the advantage is becoming a leader in the lighting market.LED drive of course also will become a hot research, which affects the stability of the LED luminous efficiency and the machine.This paper begins with the principles and characteristics of the LED’s light began to analyze, and then kind of LED drive power characteristics and drive to meet the various requirements needed to conduct research, and fially determine the most suitable for this research program.1. The working principle of the PFC circuit, detailing the passive and active power factor correction circuit, which has three different control modes;and then choose the active PFC correction technique based CRM model, and get a detailed calculation and design for the parameters of the power supply device own to the circuit.2. Temperature of LED were analyzed for the number of major impact on the performance of the LED junction temperature and the heat sink material and fins, the influence of the thickness is also, summed up the appropriate choice would be to bring the best LED performance to play.3. describing the importance of EMC and EMI, highlighting the design principles EMI filter EMI filter design parameters are given and specific circuit design.4. introduce the characteristics of the circuit of LLC and sum up its main features, a detailed analysis of the work of the LLC resonant half-bridge circuits in different frequency regions, Derive a fundamental part of the half-bridge LLC resonant converter by the fundamental frequency component method, which aims to design its gain and input impedance of the equivalent circuit according to the resonant network and in accordance with the equivalent circuit of the gain and input impedance of the resonant network has been designed and determined to achieve the switch ZVS and ZCS rectifier design methods, and finally to L6599 controller chip for the design of its control circuit.Combined analysis of the above options, the parameters and determine the final calculation. Developed 120WLED drive prototype, and its waveform is tested and analyzed to achieve the final requirements of this design.
Keywords/Search Tags:LED Drive, EMI Filter, CRM, Active PFC, Half-bridge resonant
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